Windows 2000 delayed again
According to Microsoft, the company has now officially delayed the releaseof Windows 2000 from mid-1999 to late 1999 or even, God forbid, early 2000.Microsoft will be able to easily side-step the delays with its official concern that companies be
January 14, 1999
According to Microsoft, the company has now officially delayed the releaseof Windows 2000 from mid-1999 to late 1999 or even, God forbid, early 2000.Microsoft will be able to easily side-step the delays with its official concern that companies be able to perform Year 2000 testing, but this latest round of delays has to make one wonder.
What's wrong with Windows 2000?
Ed Muth, Microsoft's group product manager for enterprise marketing, saysthat the next release candidate (RC) for Windows 2000 Beta 3 will bereleased in March (RC 0 was released in December). This makes a FebruaryBeta 3 date impossible and effectively eliminates any hope for a mid-1999launch of Windows 2000. Muth refuses to discuss any possible dates for thefinal release, though he suggested April as a likely Beta 3 date.
To answer my own rhetorical question, the problem is obviously featurebloat. This is what happens when you promise too much too soon. I suspectthat there are many people out there just wondering why NT 4.5 never happened
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