NT Server, Enterprise Edition Is Wolfpackaging

Do we really need another version of NT Server to meet enterprise needs?

Mark Smith

September 30, 1997

4 Min Read
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Windows NT Server, Enterprise Edition (NTS/E) 4.0 is shipping. Among its new capabilities, this version improves on the scalability and availability of the regular version of NT Server. But do we really need another version of NT Server to meet enterprise needs?

First, NTS/E supports up to 8 CPUs in one Intel-based machine. Vendors suchas Axil Computer, Digital Equipment, NCR, Advanced Logic Research, and Unisyshave already committed to delivering 6-way and 8-way symmetric multiprocessing(SMP) servers for NTS/E. In the past, hardware vendors had to create a specialversion of NT's hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for servers with more than 4CPUs. Today, vendors can preload NTS/E and eliminate their proprietary HAL. Thiscapability is a good thing.

So far, the only application that will take advantage of this additionalscalability is SQL Server Enterprise Edition (SQL/E) 6.5. But will SQL/E reallyscale beyond 4 processors? Forgive me for being skeptical, but Microsoft told usSQL Server 6.5 scaled beyond 4 CPUs. However, in the Windows NT MagazineLab's testing on an 8-way Pentium system, we found that the regular version ofSQL Server 6.5 scaled to only 4 CPUs. So until we test SQL/E on an 8-way SMPsystem in our lab, I remain hopeful and skeptical. If SQL/E does scale,NTS/E and SQL will push UNIX servers even farther up into the enterprise,leaving 90 percent of the application server market to NT.

RAM Tuning
Next, NTS/E adds a RAM tuning feature called 4GB RAM Tuning (4GT). Itincreases the potential RAM allocated to applications from 2GB to 3GB, byreducing the RAM allocated to the NT kernel from 2GB to 1GB. This feature willwork only on Intel 32-bit processors. So why isn't it available in the regularversion of NT Server? Wouldn't a 4-way system benefit from 4GT? This featurebelongs in the standard version of NT Server.

NTS/E introduces Microsoft Cluster Server (MCS­formerly, Wolfpack).Because NTS/E lets you connect two NT Servers in a cluster, it can automaticallyrecover from server or application failures (for details, see Joel Sloss, "WolfpackBeta 2," June 1997). Adding cluster support can significantly increase theavailability of NT Server, which is important when it's running businesscritical applications.

For the majority of users, the interest in NTS/E will be MCS. To use thiscapability, you'll need to choose an entire cluster configuration from the MCSHardware Compatibility List (HCL). The configuration will include two nodes anda SCSI-switched disk array. You must add two copies of NTS/E at $4000 per server(including MCS) to get a minimum configuration. So, Microsoft's formula forexpanding the NT universe into the enterprise is that you must purchase twocopies of MCS to make it work. Or to put it more simply, E=MCS2.

What's wrong with this Wolfpackaging formula for getting clustering out ofNTS/E? First, Microsoft bases its successful business model on low price andhigh volume. This model creates large market share and encourages softwarevendors to develop on Microsoft platforms. Compared with other Microsoftproducts, NTS/E is a low-volume, high-priced solution that will discouragesoftware vendors from creating cluster-aware applications. Why spend significantdevelopment effort on a small market?

Who says clustering needs to be an enterprise-only solution? Microsoft'sbiggest opportunity is to take clusters beyond their traditional enterprise roleas high-end database servers and move clustering into departmental servers,where NT is playing a huge role. If priced right, clusters could become astandard part of business-critical servers for such applications as messaging,groupware, Web serving, and file and print.

In fact, I think Microsoft should include MCS with the standard version ofNT Server. "Crazy!" you say? Read on.

MCS is part of an overall availability suite that includes MicrosoftTransaction Server (MTS) and Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ). MTS and MSMQlet developers use transactions and messages to create highly availableapplications. Originally, MTS's US price was $1500 per server. At that price: nomarket, no applications. Now, MTS and MSMQ will ship with every version of NTServer 5.0, creating a huge market opportunity for NT developers. At that price:huge market, lots of applications. With MCS, MTS, and MSMQ, Microsoft couldclaim that NTS is the most highly available operating system in the world.Microsoft could completely own availability in the market.

Do we need an NT enterprise version? NTS/E makes sense for systems withmore than 4 CPUs, but Microsoft needs to include other NTS/E features in thestandard version of NTS. We all want reliability, availability, andmanageability. It's a shame if packaging gets in the way.

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