Clean up a new Windows 10 machine from bloatwareClean up a new Windows 10 machine from bloatware
Find out how to remove bloatware that can come preloaded on Windows 10 machines.
June 8, 2017
Q. I have a new Windows 10 machine but it has a lot of bloatware on it, how can I easily remove the bloatware?
Dept - Windows 10
A. Some companies add a lot of additional applications to their standard installation which is often referred as bloatware. There are a number of options for Windows 10.
If you are running the Creators Update or above open the Windows Defender Security Center, navigate to Device performance & health and launch Fresh start. Fresh start will keep the user data but remove all applications that are not a core part of Windows 10.
If you are running a pre-Creators build there is a separate tool available at which does a similar set of actions.
Remember this is removing all the applications on the machine including any you manually installed.
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