Creating a SQL Server Data-Tier ApplicationCreating a SQL Server Data-Tier Application
Like IIS web packages, many deployment services have the ability to deploy SQL Server Data-Tier Applications (DAC) which enable entire SQL server
January 15, 2013
Q: How do I create a SQL Server Data-Tier Application (DAC) from SQL Server?
A: Like IIS web packages, many deployment services have the ability to deploy SQL Server Data-Tier Applications (DAC), which enable entire SQL Server databases and applications to be deployed to servers in an automated fashion. This can be used as part of a complete server build--for example, when using Service Templates in Virtual Machine Manager or if a developer just wants to give a database to a DBA for easy deployment. To create a DAC, perform the following:
Launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio application.
Navigate to the database you want to export.
Right-click the database and select Extract Data-tier Application... from the Tasks menu.
Click Next to the introduction screen of the wizard.
Enter properties for the DAC package, including where to save it to, and click Next.
Review the summary, then click Next to begin the creation. Once complete, click Finish.
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