A Better Way to Enable Email Alerts for Deadlocks

Here's a quick and easy way to enable email alerts for deadlocks, without requiring any system table modifications.

ITPro Today

August 19, 2013

2 Min Read
yellow envelope with email symbol on black computer keyboard

A while back I wrote about a way to enable email alerts for deadlock conditions with SQL Server. I outlined how, in order to set up these alerts, I ended up having to tweak SQL Server's internal sys.messages table via sp_altermessage—something I wasn't too excited about (given how I mentioned that I don't typically recommend doing so and that I felt this was a bit of a "gateway script").

Happily, Wayne Sheffield (Twitter/blog) saw my article, noticed that I was trying to use a hammer in an unnatural way, and recommended I use a gas-powered brad nailer instead. Or, in other words, Wayne was nice enough to email me with a much better and cleaner solution.

Wayne's solution is quite spiffy, doesn't require any modifications to system tables, and is drop-dead easy to implement. (Of course, I double-checked that the solution works as expected, without any hiccups or problems—which it does.) Listing 1 contains Wayne's ingenious script.

-- Tested SQL 2005 - 2012.DECLARE @perfcond NVARCHAR(100);DECLARE @sqlversion TINYINT;-- get the major version of sql runningSELECT  @sqlversion = ca2.VerFROM    (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) AS Ver) dt1    CROSS APPLY (SELECT CHARINDEX('.', dt1.Ver) AS Pos) ca1    CROSS APPLY (SELECT SUBSTRING(dt1.Ver, 1, ca1.Pos-1) AS Ver) ca2;-- handle the performance condition depending on the version of sql running-- and whether this is a named instance or a default instance.SELECT  @perfcond =     CASE WHEN @sqlversion >= 11 THEN ''    ELSE ISNULL(N'MSSQL$' + CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName')), N'SQLServer') + N':'    END +    N'Locks|Number of Deadlocks/sec|_Total|>|0';EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_alert     @name=N'Deadlock Alert',     @message_id=0,     @severity=0,     @enabled=1,     @delay_between_responses=0,     @include_event_description_in=0,     @category_name=N'[Uncategorized]',     @performance_condition=@perfcond,     --@job_name=N'Job to run when a deadlock happens, if applicable'    -- or     @job_id=N'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'GOEXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_notification     @alert_name = N'Deadlock Alert',    @notification_method = 1, --email    @operator_name = N'General'; -- name of the operator to notifyGO

Under the hood, this script uses a SQL Server performance condition to specify alert logic—which is pretty visible/obvious in the script. If you want a better way to see how Wayne tackled this issue, you can crack open the alert in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and take a peek at it, as Figure 1 shows.

Using SQL Server Management Studio to View a Deadlock Alert
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