SWF Scout 1.43 ReleasedSWF Scout 1.43 Released
October 30, 2009
SWF Scout 1.43 Released
Bytescout Software announced SWF Scout 1.43, an ActiveXlibrary that allows software developers to add SWF Flash movies to theirapplications from a variety of programming environments, including ASP.NET, VisualBasic, Visual Basic .NET, C#, and others. Bytescout provides detailed tutorialsand examples for the programming languages, with images that can helpdevelopers begin their work with SWF Scout. The SWF Scout library eliminatesthe need for the use of additional libraries and applications for SWF outputcreation. Developers can distribute royalty-free their end-user applicationswith the library.
The library offersa combination of abilities for creating professional-looking Flash movies. Youcan load EMF, JPG, PNG, BMP, and other types of images, as well as add shapes,buttons, texts, text edits, morphing shapes, and sprites. You can also addsound (MP3 and WAV) and video (FLV). There is also a built-in ActionScriptcompiler to let you compile AS source code. Added to this is an ability togenerate pre-loaders for Flash movies from existing images.
SWF Scout librarylets you load Flash movies created in other Flash authoring tools to use astemplates to generate new movies. It also has the ability to automate Flashoutput creation by using templates created in Macromedia Flash, or any otherauthoring tool. The library can replace text macros and images in templateswith those you specify. The SFW output can be converted to an .EXE, or aWindows standalone screensaver (.SCR). The library also lets you compile SWF toXML (and back).
You can integratethe library to provide export to the Flash format from an existing applicationusing its EMF to SWF feature. SWF output can be easily added to existingapplications. SWF Scout is compatible with Windows 98/Me/2000/XP.
Discounts forvolume buyers are available. Licensed customers are entitled to free upgradesand technical support for a year. The company offers its products for academicpurposes at a 10% discount. Additional information on SWF Scout, examples ofits use, and a free evaluation version are availablefrom the Bytescout Web site.
Bytescout Software
Price: Startsat US$299
Web Site: http://www.bytescout.com/swfscout.html
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