SlickEdit v10 AnnouncedSlickEdit v10 Announced
October 30, 2009
SlickEdit v10 Announced
Whether used as a standalone development environment or asa complementary editor, SlickEdit, a multi-language development workbench,provides features for analyzing, working with, and improving the readability ofcode. Features and benefits of SlickEdit v10 include:
New architectural and user interface updatesallow for dockable windows, tab groups, auto-hide functions, mouse wheel spinevents, and new icons.
Debugger enhancements include mixed mode view;multiprocessor debugging support; and hex, octal, and binary views.
Support for free Microsoft SDKs allows users toobtain the Microsoft compilers from the Internet for free and use SlickEdit asthe development platform.
Multiple Java support enhancements, such asreal-time error notification to catch syntax and compilation errors live whileediting code, hot swap debugging, J2ME support, JavaScript support, and otherJSP enhancements.
JUnit test support allows users to view testresults and reconcile failed code.
General enhancements such as unattendedinstallation, customer service-related features, subversion support, and aquick renaming option are intended to further enhance coding productivity.
SlickEdit v10 hasa new look with updated icons and the flexibility to arrange windows andtoolbars any way you want. SlickEdit also added Subversion support and a methodfor system administrators to perform unattended installation of SlickEditacross the enterprise.
Visit theSlickEdit Web site to download a 15-day trial version.
SlickEdit Inc.
Price: Startsat US$299
Web Site:
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