Parasoft .TEST 1.0Parasoft .TEST 1.0
October 30, 2009
Parasoft .TEST 1.0
Parasoft has released .TEST 1.0, a unit testing tool thatautomatically tests classes written on the Microsoft .NET Framework, withoutrequiring developers to write a single test scenario or stub. .TEST automatically performs static analysison assemblies, enforcing over 200-industry-respected coding rules that verifycode construction and reduce the possibility of introducing errors intoapplications. It tests code construction and functionality, reading code anddetermining how to unit test it. All unit tests generated by .TEST are fullycustomizable. .TEST provides detailed coverage information for bothIntermediate Language and Source Code statements. .TEST works with anyprogramming language that targets the .NET Framework, including MicrosoftVisual C# .NET, Visual Basic .NET, and managed Visual C++ .NET.
Parasoft, Inc.
Price: Startsat US$3,495
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