Kentico Combines . NET CMS with E-CommerceKentico Combines . NET CMS with E-Commerce
October 30, 2009
Kentico Combines .NET CMSwith E-Commerce
Kentico Software released a new version (3.1) of Kentico CMSfor ASP.NET. This new version of theirflagship product combines a Web content management platform with a full-featurede-commerce solution. Kentico CMS is a Webcontent management solution that provides a complete set of features forcreating interactive Web 2.0 sites on the Microsoft ASP.NETplatform. It supports content/design separation, workflow, permissions,multilingual support, full-text search, SEO, online forms, image galleries,forums, blogs, polls, and 90+ configurable Web parts.
This new versionallows developers to build an online store. Until now, developers had tointegrate third-party e-commerce solutions with their content management systems.Kentico now provides an all-in-one, ready-to-use solution for managing bothcontent and products details.
Kentico s E-commercesolution for ASP.NET enables developers tocreate full-featured online stores without complex programming, through a browser-baseduser interface. They can simply drag and drop built-in Web parts and enhancetheir Web site with a product catalog and shopping cart without deepprogramming knowledge.
Features include:product catalog, product configuration, wish list, shopping cart, customizablecheckout process, native support for PayPal and Authorize.NETpayment gateways, customer and order management, configurable taxes, shippingand discounts, multiple currencies, and sales reports.
More informationon the E-commerce solution is located at
Kentico Software
Price: US$499to US$1,499 per Web site.
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