Ektron CMS300 3.0Ektron CMS300 3.0
October 30, 2009
Ektron CMS300 3.0
Ektron has released Ektron CMS300 version 3.0, offering anew online image editor, Ektron WebImageFX - the first full-featuredbrowser-based tool for image manipulation. WebImageFX delivers functionalitysimilar to commonly used Windows-based graphics applications. With Ektron'sCalendar Module and Forms Module, users can create, use, and manage eventcalendars or forms within Web sites. Calendar presentation parameters can bespecified and colors and fonts can be controlled by stylesheets. The FormsModule delivers a new forms toolbar built into Ektron eWEP+XML. Users cancreate forms-based interfaces with any number of elements (drop-down lists,check boxes, radio buttons, text area fields, etc.). Developers add a calendaror form by inserting a single tag into a Web page. Ektron CMS300 also shipswith Ektron eWebEditPro+XML, a browser-based WYSIWYG editor that enablesorganizations to quickly and affordable leverage the power of XSLTs, schemas,and Smart Web Forms.
Ektron, Inc.
Price: Starts at US$4,999
Web Site: http://www.ektron.com
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