DevPartner SecurityChecker 2.0 AvailableDevPartner SecurityChecker 2.0 Available
October 30, 2009
DevPartner SecurityChecker 2.0 Available
Compuware announced the general availability of CompuwareDevPartner SecurityChecker 2.0. DevPartner SecurityChecker is a securityassessment tool that accelerates the development of secure ASP.NETapplications. DevPartner SecurityChecker helps achieve application security byautomatically identifying security vulnerabilities through a combination ofboth white-box (code scanning and run-time analysis) and black-box (penetrationtesting) testing techniques, and pinpoints the location of the vulnerability insource code.
This new versionof Compuware s security analysis tool offers full integration with MicrosoftVisual Studio 2005, enabling development and testing teams to improve thequality of their Microsoft ASP.NET Web applications by locating and fixingsecurity vulnerabilities early in the application lifecycle.
New features andenhancements in DevPartner SecurityChecker 2.0 include:
Full integration with Visual Studio 2005 withthe Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
Reduction of false positive reporting.
Improvements for creating and managing discoverymaps.
Improvements to existing SQL Injection,Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Parameter Tampering vulnerability detection.
30 new Integrity rules.
Compuware also offers organizations that require specificexpertise a security assessment service for ASP.NET applications. This servicecombines the proficiency of Compuware IT professionals with the strengths ofDevPartner SecurityChecker, allowing IT and development staffs to accuratelyassess the security vulnerabilities of an ASP.NET application.
Other Compuwareproducts that currently support Visual Studio 2005 are DevPartner Studio 8.0and DevPartner Fault Simulator 1.5. Compuware has plans to release an updatedversion of its functional testing tool, Compuware TestPartner, which willsupport and integrate with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System.
Compuware Corp.
Price: US$12,000per concurrent user; volume discounts are available.
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