ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2007 v2ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2007 v2
October 30, 2009
ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2007 v2
ComponentOne announced Studio Enterprise 2007 v2, completewith ComponentOne WebDialog for ASP.NET. Studio Enterpriseis a component toolset for Windows, Web, Mobile,and ASP.NET AJAX-enabled applications.
WebDialog forASP.NET is a special type of dialog control for use in developing interactiveASP.NET Web applications. ComponentOne WebDialog for ASP.NET can be used tocreate flexible and interactive model and modeless dialog windows for the Web. Creatinga control on the client side or server side is an easy way to displayinformation, Web content, and, through the use of input controls such asComponentOne WebInput for ASP.NET, receive input from the user. This newrelease also includes Office 2007 Visual Styles in several ComponentOneproducts, including List for .NET, Menus & Toolbars for .NET, FlexGrid for.NET, True DBGrid for .NET, Input for .NET, and Ribbonfor .NET.
ComponentOneStudio Enterprise 2007 v2 accelerates visual development with drag and droptools that simplify the design-time experience and extend the power of VisualStudio 2005. Now you can develop cutting-edge interfaces and add sophisticatedfeature sets to your Windows, Web, and Mobileapplications with less code and in less time. Studio Enterpriseoffers hundreds of components for .NET, ASP.NET, Mobile,and ActiveX, and includes a subscription that provides customers with newreleases, updates, upgrades, and online support for one full year. To learnmore about ComponentOne Studio Enterprise or to download a free trial version,visit
Price: ComponentOneoffers the full version of Studio Enterprise for US$999.99. CurrentComponentOne customers can upgrade to Studio Enterprise for US$749.99. Renewalpricing is also available for customers who have expiring subscriptions andwish to renew their subscription (US$599.99). Current ComponentOne customerswho have a valid subscription through the Studio Enterprise 2007 v1 releasewill receive the 2007 v2 release automatically, at no charge. Customers whohave registered their subscription with ComponentOne will receive an e-mailwith instructions to access and license the new Ribbon for .NET product.
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