ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2005 v3ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2005 v3
October 30, 2009
ComponentOne Releases Studio Enterprise 2005 v3
ComponentOne announced the release of ComponentOne StudioEnterprise 2005 v3, a component toolset for .NET, ASP.NET, Mobile Devices, andCOM. Among other updates to the complete line of components, the 2005 v3release of Studio Enterprise adds new features to its .NET Framework-basedtools, True DBGrid for .NET and Chart for .NET.
New features for TrueDBGrid for .NET include advanced grouping ComponentOne extended the groupingfunctionality to support date ranges, date parts (day, month, year),alphabetizing, and custom grouping criteria; unbound data mode (developers canwrite code to add and remove rows, update cell values, and set the underlyingdata type, all without a data source); ComponentOne now supports gradients andalpha blending; like-valued cells can now occupy the same row span as theprevious column; and ComponentOne added new properties to control the filterbar, border styles, and split dividers.
New features for Chartfor .NET include a new doughnut chart type; new presentation features andenhancements, such as run-time highlighting of plotted data; improved automaticdata label creation and arrangement; axes now support superimposed values andvalue labels, which can now be interactive; new before/after events tofacilitate custom data series drawing; alarm zones can now be rendered asellipses or polygons; and statistical support has been added to theChartDataArray object.
The 2005 v3release also includes new features and enhancements for .NET Framework-basedproducts, including BarCode for .NET, XLS for .NET, PDF for .NET, Reports for.NET, Sizer for .NET, and Zip for .NET, as well as ComponentOne s ActiveX andASP.NET products, VSFlexGrid Pro and WebReports for ASP.NET.
Studio Enterpriseincludes over 110 components targeting all application layers, including Data,Presentation, Reporting, and Transformation.
Currentsubscribers of Studio Enterprise 2005 will receive the ComponentOne .NETFramework 2.0 versions of ComponentOne tools as part of their yearlysubscription.
Price: See Website.
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