A Preview of Active Server Pages +

Thomas Wagner

October 30, 2009

2 Min Read
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A Previewof Active Server Pages +

A Preview of Active Server Pages + was published inthe summer of 2000 to coincide with Microsoft s release of the beta 1 bits ofthe .NET Framework, VB.NET, ASP+, C#, etc. Despite the intervening months, itis still applicable.


This book is not about Visual Studio .NET. It explains theindividual technology components that VS wraps in its appealing interface. Thisis reminiscent of the way many gave up on working with VS6 for straight ASPscripting. A good text editor took the place of VS or Visual InterDev.


I ve read A Preview of Active Server Pages + manytimes. It is the first solid glimpse into the new programming technology. Youdon t need Visual Studio in order to program with .NET or to benefit from thisbook. All you need is the .NET Framework and Microsoft Notepad (if you like).This book illustrates the necessary pieces of ASP.NET Web sites. It explainshow VB.NET (and C#) is used to write Web pages that separate code logic frompresentation HTML. It has great details on the new Web controls that ship withASP.NET. Special attention is paid to configuring a site under .NET through theuse of the config.web file. There is also a world of error handling, tracing,and input validation for the programmer. It s an easy read with examples fromsimple database access to an entire sample e-commerce site.


This is the one book that I recommend to anyone who wantsto get started with ASP.NET. There will be others, but this one was first!




A Preview of Active Server Pages + byRichard Anderson, Alex Homer, Rob Howard, and Dave Sussman, Wrox Press Ltd., http://www.wrox.com.



ISBN: 1-861004-75-3

Cover Price: US$34.99

(361 pages)


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