{smartassembly} 2.0 Released{smartassembly} 2.0 Released
October 30, 2009
{smartassembly} 2.0 Released
Cachupa announced the release of version 2.0 of{smartassembly}, an improvement and protection tool for managed applications (.NET,C#, VB.NET, etc.). {smartassembly} 2.0 improves .NET assemblies obfuscation, optimization, and post-deployment debugging.
As .NET developersor software vendors, it s vital to secure applications with optimal protectionagainst reverse-engineering; if you don t, you put your intellectual propertyat stake, as well as your business. {smartassembly}enables .NET developers to deliver a smart version of their .NET assembly,improved and protected.
{smartassembly}2.0 further expands the difference with a new inductive user interface, andmany improvements and new features to increasingly secure the application andimprove performance and deployment: dependencies compression and embedding; memorymanagement; anti-disassembler and anti-decompiler protection; exception reportingimprovements for increased debugging capabilities; obfuscation and pruning improvements;application self-diagnostic for troubleshooting; and more.
Windows Vista andthe .NET 3.0 Framework are fully supported. A full-featured evaluation versioncan be downloaded at http://www.smartassembly.com/download.More information is available at http://www.smartassembly.com.
Price: {smartassembly}Standard Edition, US$399; {smartassembly} Professional Edition, US$599;{smartassembly} Enterprise Edition,US$799 (per developer).
Web Site: http://www.smartassembly.com
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