Use NVGRE Gateway with a virtual network instanceUse NVGRE Gateway with a virtual network instance
Use a NVGRE Gateway with a virtual network.
November 23, 2015
Q. How do I use a NVGRE Gateway with my virtual network to enable connectivity?
A. Using a NVGRE Gateway is very easy once it exists. Open the virtual network via the VMs and Services workspace - VM Networks. Select the Connectivity tab and it is now possible to select to enable addition types of connectivity using our new gateway for the various types of routing; forwarding, NAT and site-to-site. As shown in the example I use the gateway for NAT purposes since my virtual network's IP scheme is not routable on the physical network it is being connected to. Note a single NVGRE gateway can be used to connect multiple virtual networks for NAT and site-to-site but if used for forwarding there must be a 1:1 mapping of gateways to virtual networks and the gateway cannot be shared.
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