How can I move or copy scheduled tasks between machines?How can I move or copy scheduled tasks between machines?
December 18, 2001
A. You can move or copy tasks between machines thanks to a Scheduled Tasks feature that appears as a property of computers available under My Network Places. To move or copy a task between machines, perform the following steps:
Open Scheduled Tasks on your local machine (go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Scheduled Tasks).
Right-click the task your want to move or copy.
Click here to view imageIf you want to copy the task, select Copy, and if you want to move the task, select Cut.
Open My Network Places in Windows Explorer, expand the domain or workgroup, and select the target machine where you want to copy or move the task.
Right-click the target machine's Scheduled Tasks, and click Paste.
The task will now appear on the target machine under Scheduled Tasks. Make sure that the task you copy or move will work on the remote machine (e.g., ensure the target application exists on the machine and that parameters are valid).
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