Use PowerShell to Download Ignite Session ContentsUse PowerShell to Download Ignite Session Contents
Where there is a will there is a way.
Microsoft Ignite wrapped up a huge week of content last Friday and the vast majority of the content has made its way onto the web for on-demand viewing and downloading the slide decks that were used during these sessions.
Right now the most straight forward way to grab these videos is to visit the Microsoft Ignite On-Demand Video page and browse through the content.
However, if you have the bandwidth you can use this handy PowerShell script created by Michel de Rooij over on TechNet to grab as many of the sessions in one fell swoop.
There are multiple switches available with the script so that you can refine the search for Ignite content including:
Keyword Only retrieve sessions with this keyword in their session description.
Title Only retrieve sessions with this keyword in their session title.
Speaker Only retrieve sessions from this speaker.
Product Only retrieve sessions for this product.
NoVideos Switch to indicate you only want to download the slidedecks
ScheduleCode Only download contents listed in a published MyIgnite schedule; usethe code after the last slash in the URL.
The author of this script has revised it almost 20 times to make sure it works most effectively for users.
Visit the Get Microsoft Ignite session information or contents site for further details and to download the script.
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