Use PowerShell to Bulk Replace Logon Scripts for Active Directory UsersUse PowerShell to Bulk Replace Logon Scripts for Active Directory Users
With Quest Software’s free set of Active Directory (AD) cmdlets, changing the logon script for a particular set of AD users can be accomplished with just one PowerShell command.
January 23, 2012
I had to change the logon script for a select group of users who had a particular logon script configured in their Active Directory (AD) profiles. I discovered that this task is easy to accomplish using Quest Software’s ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory, which provides a free a set of cmdlets for AD. You just need to use the Get-QADUser cmdlet with the -LogonScript argument to list all users configured with the old script, then pipe the results to the Set-QADUser cmdlet with the -LogonScript argument to replace the old logon script with the new one. The command looks like
Get-QADUser -LogonScript OldFile | Set-QADUser -LogonScript NewFile
where OldFile is the old logon script and NewFile is the new logon script. You can download the free ActiveRoles cmdlets at Free PowerShell Commands for Active Directory.
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