PowerShell cmdlets for NTFS managementPowerShell cmdlets for NTFS management
Manage NTFS with PowerShell the easy way
March 11, 2017
Q. Is there a simple cmdlet for management of NTFS permissions from PowerShell?
A. Ordinarily to manage NTFS permissions there are a number of ACL cmdlets that have to be leveraged which are very unfriendly to utilize and that require the use of [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights] and more to actually set permissions.
Fortunately an NTFS permissions module is available from https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/1abd77a5-9c0b-4a2b-acef-90dbb2b84e85 that provides a better set of cmdlets. Download the zip file and extract to folder on your machine named C:Program FilesWindowsPowerShellModulesNTFSSecurity.
You can now access the capabilities. For example to view NTFS permissions you can use the following:
Get-Item | Get-NTFSAccess
Permissions can be added with Add-NTFSAccess using -Account and -AccessRights .
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