Why does my Operations Manager Azure MP show expired certificates?Why does my Operations Manager Azure MP show expired certificates?
Find out why Azure MP in Operations Manager is complaining about certificate expiring even when the certificate you used is valid.
July 29, 2015
Q. I am using the Azure MP in Operations Manager but when I look at Discovered Subscriptions it shows my subscription has expired certificates, why?
A. If you load the Azure MP and add a subscription using a management certificate, Operations Manager will check all management certificates in your subscription. If any of them are expired, the state of the subscription will show critical as the Windows Azure Subscription Certificate Expiration Monitor will be in critical state.
This is not saying the specific certificate you are using with Operations Manager is expired or expiring soon, just that a certificate is expired or expiring soon.
The solution is to remove all expired management certificates from your Azure subscription. The next time a check is performed by the MP the state will change to healthy.
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