9Rays.Net Releases Spices.VSIP.Net9Rays.Net Releases Spices.VSIP.Net
October 30, 2009
9Rays.NetReleases Spices.VSIP.Net
9Rays.Netannounced the release of Spices.VSIP.Net. Spices.VSIP.Net (Visual StudioIntegration Pack) is a set of plug-ins for .NET developers(Obfuscator, Decompiler, Modeler, Investigator, Informer) that allowsthem to use Visual Studio when working with their .NET assemblies.Spices.VSIP.Net offers a comprehensive set of tools for the complete assemblywork cycle (develop, build, obfuscate, verify, debug, deploy).
Other convenient features include an optionto change obfuscation properties, as well as an auto-obfuscation option that isexecuted after compilation. In addition, Visual Studio Solution obfuscation canbe turned on/off after compilation is complete, so the assemblies can bedeployed to devices being tested or directly to CAB files. Debuggable assemblies can be generated, as well.
A built-in viewer allows developers to viewmetadata and PE-files for the newly generated assemblies. Spices.VSIP.Net-generated documents (diagrams, decompiler outputs, etc.) are fullyintegrated into the Visual Studio environment.
There are two versions available:Spices.VSIP.Net Obfuscator (includes the Obfuscator, Investigator, Modeler, andInformer plug-ins) and Spices.VSIP.Net Suite (includes all the components plusthe Spices.Decomplier module, which decompiles .NET assemblies into sixlanguages: MSIL, VB.NET, C#, MC++, J#, and Delphi.NET). Spices.VSIP.Net isdistributed electronically over the Internet; a free demo version is availableat the 9Rays.NetWeb site.
Price: See Web site.
WebSite: http://www.9rays.net
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