Q. How do I rename a computer and assign it to a domain in Windows Server Core?Q. How do I rename a computer and assign it to a domain in Windows Server Core?
May 19, 2008
A. Because Server Core doesn't have a Control Panel System applet or Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Server Manager, you have to use the old-fashioned command-line method—Netdom—to rename a computer and assign it to a domain.
The Hostname command will show the computer's current name. Then you can use the following command to change the name:
WindowsSystem32>netdom renamecomputer %computername% /NewName:newcomputername
The output would be:
This operation will rename the computer OLDCOMPUTERNAME
to newcomputername.
Certain services, such as the Certificate Authority, rely on a fixed machine
name. If any services of this type are running on OLDCOMPUTERNAME,
then a computer name change would have an adverse impact.
Do you want to proceed (Y or N)?
Press Y then Enter to continue. After pressing Enter, you would receive the following output:
The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation.
The command completed successfully.
To assign the computer to a domain, use Netdom again, but this time with the /join switch and the proper credentials for assigning a computer to a domain. The command would look like this:
netdom join %computername% /domain: /userd:administrator /passwordd:*
The output would be:
Type the password associated with the domain user:
The computer needs to be restarted in order to complete the operation.
The command completed successfully.
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