Microsoft prepares SIPC SDKsMicrosoft prepares SIPC SDKs
There's an acronym for you: Simply Interactive Personal Computer SoftwareDevelop Kits (or SIPC SDKs). You want 'em, and Microsoft is releasing them.These new kits will allow developers to add interactive elements such astelevision programming and
January 8, 1997
There's an acronym for you: Simply Interactive Personal Computer SoftwareDevelop Kits (or SIPC SDKs). You want 'em, and Microsoft is releasing them.These new kits will allow developers to add interactive elements such astelevision programming and data services to Windows. Expect to see theSDKs in February.Microsoft also announced that the Windows family of operating systems would be augmented with television integration so that users would be ableto use then with remote controls and TV sets. This integration will begeared toward long distance viewing and large, VGA-style screens. The overall goal of SIPC is to combine technologies from telephone, fax,PC, TV, and stereo systems with the Internet, making the interactive experience an integrated one
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