Microsoft Chat 2.0 released
Microsoft has upgraded their Comic Chat program to 2.0 and changed thename to Microsoft Chat in the process. This new chat client featuresnumerous ways for people to communicate with each other. There are twochatting methods, text mode and comic
April 6, 1997
Microsoft has upgraded their Comic Chat program to 2.0 and changed thename to Microsoft Chat in the process. This new chat client featuresnumerous ways for people to communicate with each other. There are twochatting methods, text mode and comic mode. Text mode features aconventional text chat while comic mode displays a dynamic comic stripthat updates as participants type. Comic mode was the only modesupported by the old Comic Chat.
New features in Microsoft Chat 2.0 include:
Better text chat support.
Customizable fonts in mode modes.
One-click access toolbar.
NetMeeting integration.
User list.
IRC-compatible file transfer.
Macro support.
Send and receive sounds.
Multi-room whisper capability.
Microsoft makes a version of Chat 2.0 for people with Internet Explorerand one for people who don't have IE. You can also download additionalcharacters and a software development kit. Check out the Chat 2.0 Web page for details
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