JSI Tip 6057. When you try to promote the first domain controller in a new forest, you receive 'Failed to create the GPO for the domain '?
December 9, 2002
When you run DCpromo.exe to promote the first domain controller in a new forest, you receive:
Failed to create the GPO for the domain .
Setting the LSA policy information 12/10 08:44:14 [INFO] Error - Failed to create the GPO for the domain .
Creation of GPO failed with 1208.
NOTE: a similar error may also be posted to the Cpromo.log file.
This error can be the result of a corrupted Secedit.sdb security database.
To fix the problem:
1. Open a CMD prompt.
2. Type esentutl /p %SystemRoot%securitydatabasesecedit.sdb /v /x and press Enter.
3. Type Del /q %SystemRoot%securityEdb.log and press Enter.
4. Type Del /q %SystemRoot%securityEdb0*.log and press Enter.
5. Rerun DCpromo.exe.
NOTE: Microsoft recommends that you run a full server backup after you repair the database.
NOTE: See How do I promote and demote domain controllers in Windows 2000?
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