JSI Tip 5102. You receive a Stop: 0xc000026C or Stop: 0xc0000221 BSOD, 'Unable to Load Device Driver' error, when you start Windows XP?
April 2, 2002
When you start Windows XP, you receive one of the following BSODs (Blue Screen Of Death):
STOP: 0xc000026C [Unable to load device driver]
STOP: 0xc0000221 [Unable to load device driver]
where is the file name of a device driver.
If a device driver is missing or damaged, you will receive this BSOD.
To recover:
1. Insert your Windows XP CD-ROM and boot your computer from that device. If you need to use the 6 Setup boot disks, see How do I make setup boot disks for Windows XP?
2. Press R to start the Recovery Console when the Welcome to Setup screen is displayed.
3. Select the damaged Windows XP installation.
4. Type the administrator password when prompted. If you don't know it, try pressing Enter.
5. When the command window opens, type cd Windowssystem32drivers and press Enter, where Windows is the folder that contains Windows XP.
6. Rename the damaged driver by typing ren filename.sys filename.bak and pressing Enter.
7. Copy the driver from the CD-ROM by typing copy i386filename.SY_ filename.sys and pressing Enter. is the CD-ROM drive letter.
8. Type exit and press Enter to restart Windows XP.
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