JSI Tip 4846. How can I script compatibility layers in Windows XP?
February 14, 2002
Tips 4652, 4454, and 4787 deal with the Windows XP application compatibility features.
Windows XP compatibility fixes can be used individually or in ready-to-use compatibility layers, which have been defined for a number of common configurations.
To apply compatibility layers in a script, the syntax is:
set __COMPAT_LAYER=[!]layer_name1 [layer_name2 ...]
NOTE: The variable name is double-underscoreCOMPATunderscoreLAYER.
! - The layer should NOT to added to existing fixes in the database.
Layer_name - The short name of the compatibility layer.
NOTE: set __COMPAT_LAYER= disables the environment variable.
The short name of the compatibility layers are:
DisableThemes - Disable Visual Themes
ProfilesSetup - Profile Setup Support
256Color - 256 Color
640x480 - 640 x 480 Screen Resolution
Win95 - Windows 95
Win98 - Windows 98 / Windows Me
Win2000 - Windows 2000
NT4SP5 - Windows NT 4.0 SP 5
Scripting ensures that the compatibility layer is passed on recursively to any spawned process. At the point in the script where the compatibility layer is NOT needed, use the set __COMPAT_LAYER= command.
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