Welcome to Exchange Ideas!Welcome to Exchange Ideas!
Welcome to a new one-stop resource for the Exchange and Outlook community!
October 23, 2005
Whether you're part of an enterprise messaging–management team or the lone Exchange Server administrator for your organization, one thing's certain: You're busy. The irony is that Exchange news, tips, and community support can be invaluable in your profession—but who has the time to hunt them down? That's why we're introducing a new column that brings these resources to you.
Welcome to Exchange Ideas, where we'll bring you tips from the best authors, news from the most reliable sources, and a peek into what's happening with Exchange- and Outlook-related products, events, and technologies. This month's tip comes from Brien Posey at MSD2D.com. Get more tips at the URL below: http://www.msd2d.com/default_section.aspx?section=exchange
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