Richard Hay, Senior Content Producer

September 14, 2017

2 Min Read
Microsoft Ignite Keynote

After Hurricane Irma was an uninvited guest in nearly the entire state of Florida this past weekend, many wondered what impact the post storm recovery efforts would have on Microsoft Ignite 2017 happening later this month at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

The massive hurricane was nearly 400 miles wide and brought wind and flooding damage to communities across the entire Florida peninsula and in addition left millions without power across the state.

It appears Microsoft has been in touch with organizers in Orlando to confirm that the mega conference can still happen despite the local conditions in/around Orlando and they shared that information through the Microsoft Ignite Twitter account:

Somewhere in the ball park of more than 25,000 attendees are expected to descend upon Orlando for the week long conference and these types of numbers are routine for the convention center but when you add in the external conditions for impacted services, it can be challenging. It is good to see that the event will move forward beginning with pre-day Ignite events on the 24th of September and it will wrap up on the 29th.

Of course attendees may need to add some extra patience into their bags when they come because Central Florida will still be dealing with the impacts from Hurricane Irma and some of these things can not be cleared up in just a couple of weeks. Just keep in mind that the local people you encounter may be dealing with damages on their own property or a lack of electricity but are still there working to provide services and support for attendees.

I will be in Orlando for the event bringing you coverage on our tech websites ITPro: Windows and SuperSite: Windows so be sure to stay tuned and stay safe in your travels.


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About the Author(s)

Richard Hay

Senior Content Producer, IT Pro Today (Informa Tech)

I served for 29 plus years in the U.S. Navy and retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer in November 2011. My work background in the Navy was telecommunications related so my hobby of computers fit well with what I did for the Navy. I consider myself a tech geek and enjoy most things in that arena.

My first website – – came online in 1995. Back then I used GeoCities Web Hosting for it and is the result of the work I have done on that site since 1995.

In January 2010 my community contributions were recognized by Microsoft when I received my first Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award for the Windows Operating System. Since then I have been renewed as a Microsoft MVP each subsequent year since that initial award. I am also a member of the inaugural group of Windows Insider MVPs which began in 2016.

I previously hosted the Observed Tech PODCAST for 10 years and 317 episodes and now host a new podcast called Faith, Tech, and Space. 

I began contributing to Penton Technology websites in January 2015 and in April 2017 I was hired as the Senior Content Producer for Penton Technology which is now Informa Tech. In that role, I contribute to ITPro Today and cover operating systems, enterprise technology, and productivity.

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