How can I remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager?How can I remove the Linux LILO Boot Manager?
January 8, 2000
A. Linux has its own boot manager which is stored in the Master BootRecord (MBR) which allows dual booting between Linux and other operatingsystems (such as NT).
To remove LILO from within Linux use the command below if LILO is installedon the MBR of the master drive on the primary IDE controller:
lilo -u /dev/hda
To remove from a SCSI drive use /dev/sdan where a is which drive in thechain (so a is the first) and n is which partition on the drive (starting with1), n can be left off if there are not multiple partitions on the drive, e.g.
lilo -u /dev/sda
If Linux is no longer installed it can be removed by booting to DOS andtyping the command
C:> fdisk /mbr
You may want to backup the MBR first using the Resource Kit utilityDISKSAVE.EXE.
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