Andreessen: Linux and Navigator could unseat WindowsAndreessen: Linux and Navigator could unseat Windows
Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, addressing a Linux user group in SanJose, says that the combination of Navigator 5.0 and Linux could be a fatalblow to Windows. Netscape used Linux as its model when it decided to releasethe source code to
April 1, 1998
Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen, addressing a Linux user group in SanJose, says that the combination of Navigator 5.0 and Linux could be a fatalblow to Windows. Netscape used Linux as its model when it decided to releasethe source code to Communicator/Navigator 5.0 for free: Linux is a freeUNIX clone that runs on Intel and PowerPC computers.
"Everywhere I go, I find myself sitting across a table from someone who uses Windows at work and Linux at home," Andreessen said. "With the huge amount of energy behind it, it's only a matter of time before it makes a huge impact."
Andreessen said that Netscape was making Linux a "total reference platform", elevating it to the same status as Windows and the Macintosh. Assuch, Netscape will now develop all of its products for Linux.
He did admit, however, that Linux still has some problems to overcome before it can surpass Windows NT. Linux isn't very scalable and doesn'thave a consistent, easy user interface or any consumer software. Andreessensays the Communicator 5.0 "Mozilla" interface can solve at least part ofthe problem.
Andreessen says that Linux is the only non-Microsoft operating system thatis gaining marketshare. Of course, this sudden focus on Linux leaves thecompany's alliance with Sun Microsystems in doubt. Sun makes a high-pricedUNIX variant called Solaris that runs on Intel and Sun Sparc systems, butit has very little marketshare. Andreessen says Sun will needed toeventually embrace the free source code model if it is to retain its 50%share of the UNIX market.
"We should talk Sun into reaching the proper level of enlightenment, or there should be a replacement," he said
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