Messaging ManagementMessaging Management
Sponsored by: Symantec
February 16, 2007
Mail and messaging infrastructures have become crucial components of today's organizations. To protect mail and messaging infrastructures organizations must establish mail and messaging management solutions. This eBook introduces three fundamental mail and messaging management services - security, availability and control services - and how you can implement them in a Microsoft-centric mail and messaging environment using Symantec and Microsoft solutions. This eBook will prove that securing a mail and messaging infrastructure is not an afterthought. A secure mail and messaging infrastructure is fundamental to your business and any organization should plan for the appropriate message hygiene, availability, and control services from the start.
Email and messaging infrastructures have become crucial components of today's organizations. They provide email itself, instant messaging, collaboration, and unified messaging tools to an organization's users. Email and messaging systems are so essential that if they go down, your business stops.
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