Troubleshooting with Microsoft - 01 Mar 1997Troubleshooting with Microsoft - 01 Mar 1997

Microsoft engineers answer your questions on NetWare, DNS, and Macintosh interoperability.

Rodger Seabourne

February 28, 1997

10 Min Read
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Novell NetWare Integration

Q:How can I change passwords on a Windows NT File-and-Print Services forNetWare (FPNW) server and a Novell NetWare server at the same time?

You can synchronize passwords on aNetWare server and an FPNW server withthe setpass.exe or chgpass.exe program. Before you use setpass.exe orchgpass.exe from an FPNW server SysvolPublic directory, make sure the passwordon the NetWare server is the same as the password on the FPNW server. If thepasswords are not identical, the FPNW will not ask you to synchronize thepassword on the NetWare server and the password on the NetWare server will notchange.

Q: How can I route IPX on an NT server?

NT IPX internal routing supports LAN-to-LAN routing, forwarding, and NetBIOSpacket propagation. IPX has an addressing mechanism to deliver packets to adestination. NT Server 3.51's IPX implementation conforms to the Novell IPXRouter specification.

To enable IPX routing, you must install the IPX protocol and RoutingInformation Protocol (RIP) for IPX. The Service Advertising Protocol (SAP) agentinstalls automatically when you install RIP. IPX addresses, routes, and switchesinformation packets to move single packets from one location to another in aninter-network (with the help of RIP and SAP).

To enable IPX routing in NT Server 3.51 and NT Server 4.0, follow thesesteps:

1. For NT Server 3.51, select the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport inInstalled Network Software of Control Panel Network, and click Configure. For NTServer 4.0, select the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport in the Protocols tabof Control Panel Network, and click Properties.

2. In the NT 3.51 NWLink IPX/SPX Protocol Configuration dialog box, selectthe Enable RIP Routing check box. In the NT 4.0 NWLINK IPX/SPX Properties,select Enable RIP Routing. When you install RIP, the check box is selected bydefault.

3. In NT 3.51, choose the Manual Frame Type Detection option, and select theframe type that applies to your network. Click Add for each frame type. In NT4.0, choose the Manual Frame Type Detection option in the General tab, andselect the frame type that applies to your network. Click Add for each frametype.

4. Do not change the Internal Network Number unless no network number isdefined for the NT server segment. If the network number is defined, NT Serverautomatically detects the network number during the boot process. Useipxroute.exe to determine the network number of your network adapter. Forexample, type

ipxroute config

For the segment the NT server is connected to, if an administrator has notconfigured any Novell NetWare servers or an NT server with a network number, youmust define a Unique Network Number for that segment. For example, suppose youhave an NT 3.51 server with two NICs. The first NIC is connected to an existingNovell network, so you can leave the network number blank. NT server autodetectsthe network number for that segment. The second NIC is connected to theMicrosoft Network, and no IPX network number is defined for this segment. Youmust then type a unique network number for this segment. Click OK, and quitNetwork Settings. Shut down the system, and restart NT.

Q: Why can't my clients that run NT Workstation browse Microsoft Networkcomputers on the other side of a router?

Your routers apparently cannot propagate NetBIOS packets across the network.This ability is necessary for NetBIOS to operate in an NWLink environment.NetBIOS provides session-layer services such as packet assembly and disassemblyand named addressing for Microsoft's NWLink protocol. NetBIOS, like SPX, alsoprovides guaranteed packet delivery and packet sequencing on the Transportlayer.

To propagate packets, the LAN administrator must configure the router toforward IPX packet type 20. Because IPX is a derivative of the Xerox XNS IDPprotocol, it follows the Xerox packet types.

Packet type 20 (0x14) identifies a NetBIOS packet and is a propagatedpacket. The Destination Node field in the IPX header is set to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF.When a router receives this packet, the router checks the IPX header Packet Typefield. If Packet Type is 20 (0x14), the router examines the Transport Controlfield. If the Transport Control field is more than 8, the router will discardthe packet because a type 20 packet is propagated over a maximum of 8 networks.The router then compares the value in the Network Number field with the networknumber of the segment it received the packet from. If these numbers match, therouter discards the packet to prevent sending it over the same segment twice.The router then puts the network number of the segment it received the packetfrom in the next available Network Number field and increments the TransportControl field before broadcasting the packet to all directly connected networksegments not represented in the Network Number fields.

Q: Why can't I see the Remote Access Service (RAS) server in File Manageror from the Network Neighborhood from an NT RAS client?

When you make a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection with the IPX/SPXCompatible Transport protocol from a RAS client to an NT RAS server only, theRAS server does not appear in the File Manager browse list on the RAS client(even though you have full administrative permission to the RAS server). You canconnect properly to the shared resources on the RAS server using File Manager orthe MS-DOS Command Prompt (cmd.exe). You must know the specific names of theshared resources in advance.

To view resources on the RAS server, install the NetBEUI protocol inaddition to IPX/SPX Compatible Transport protocol. After rebooting andestablishing a connection to the remote server, you can browse resources on theserver.

Q:Does the FPNW server support Novell's 32-bit client?

The FPNW 4.0 patch supports Novell's Client32 redirector. This enhancement,applied to FPNW 4.0 running on NT Server 4.0, permits Client32-compatibleredirectors to see and use services from your NT server. The patch is availableon

Q: Why can't I connect to a Novell NetWare 4.x server volume from WindowsExplorer on an NT 4.0 workstation configured for the same NetWare DirectoryServices (NDS) tree?

The NetWare volume might be in a different context from what is configuredin NT. The NetWare 4.x-based server volume must be in the same contextconfigured in Gateway Services for NetWare (GSNW). Client Services for NetWare(CSNW), which comes with NT 4.0 Workstation, and GSNW, which comes with NTServer 4.0, allow access to NetWare file-and-print resources from an NTcomputer. CSNW and GSNW redirect requests to a NetWare Server using NetWare CoreProtocols (NCPs). Browsing the NDS tree in Windows Explorer does not change thecontext of the workstation. To connect to NetWare 4.x servers with differentcontexts, move the NetWare volume to the NDS context configured in GSNW or CSNWor use a login script to change the NDS context to reflect the NetWare 4.xvolume's location.

Q:Why can't I connect to NetWare 4.x servers using GSNW on an NT server?

When you try to set up GSNW in Bindery Mode from an NT server to a Novell4.x server, you sometimes get the error message, "Access denied." Theprobable cause of this error is that you are trying to connect to a volume onthe Novell 4.x server that is running outside the bindery emulation context.

NDS is part of the NetWare 4.x OS. NDS regulates access to networkinformation, resources, and services.

NT GSNW 3.50 and 3.51 servers cannot set up a gateway to a volume in an NDSbranch. NT can set up a gateway to a volume in a branch only with binderyemulation. To check for bindery emulation volumes, type


at the NetWare 4.x server's System Console. This command gives you serverinformation, and on the bottom of the screen, a section titled Bindery Contexttells you which branch is running in bindery emulation. The NTGATEWAY group mustbe an object under this branch. The NT server user account must also be anobject under this branch. The rest of the GSNW setup is the same as for NetWare3.x servers. To complete setup, read Chapter 13 of the Networking Supplementof the Windows NT Server documentation or Server Books Online about Services forNetWare Networks, which is included with Windows NT Server CD.

Q: Why can't I copy files from a NetWare server on a Fiber DistributedData Interface (FDDI) ring to an NT server?

On your NT computer, you can view files on a Novell NetWare server fromFile Manager, but you can't open these files or copy them to a local drive. Ifyou try to open a file, the Event Viewer shows the following error:

Event Id 8007: The Microsoft client service for NetWare redirector has timedout a request to

These symptoms occur when you use NT on an Ethernet network segment withCSNW or GSNW installed and attached to a Novell NetWare server connected to anFDDI ring.

To work around this problem, decrease the packet size from 4202 to 1514 onthe NetWare server or set MaxPktSize to 1012 on the NT server. Follow theseprocedures to add the parameter in the Registry. (Warning: If you useRegistry Editor incorrectly, you can cause serious, systemwide problems that canrequire you to reinstall NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that anyproblems resulting from the use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use this toolat your own risk.)

1. Run Registry Editor (regedt32.exe).

2. From the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subtree, go to SystemCurrentControlSetServicesNwlnkIpxNetConfigDriver

3. Edit value MaxPktSize:REG_DWORD: 1012 (decimal)


Q:Can I use Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) serviceon a physical segment with multiple IP subnets?

Many people run multiple IP subnets on one physical LAN segment, aconfiguration called multinetting. Versions of NT DHCP Server before NT 4.0Service Pack 2 (SP2) cannot assign addresses from more than one scope to a givenphysical subnet. Typically, the network administrator had to insert additionalNICs on the server and address each NIC to a given logical IP subnet. Thisprocedure involves additional and otherwise unnecessary hardware, so Microsoftdeveloped and implemented a new solution in SP2.

The solution, superscoping, supports DHCP clients on local networks thathave more than one subnet on a physical network. Superscopes also support DHCPclients on the remote side of bootp relay agents, when the network has multiplelogical subnets on one physical network.

The DHCP server will let you group different ranges of IP addresses(different scopes) into one superscope. For more information about superscopes,see the Microsoft Knowledge Base, article Q161571 at

Q: Can the Domain Name System (DNS) resolve IP addresses to host names(i.e., perform reverse lookup)?

Most of the functionality of a DNS server works to resolve a given hostname by finding the host's IP address. However, you will also want the abilityto give the DNS server an IP address and get a host name back. You can create areverse lookup zone file in addition to the zone file for your domain. The nameof the zone is your network or subnet address inverted, with in-addr.arpaappended to the end. For example, if you have Class C address, createa primary zone Now when you add a host entry withIP address 192.16.1.X to your domain zone file, you can click Create AssociatedPTR Record. This command automatically creates a PTR record in zone. Now a reverse DNS lookup for this host will besuccessful. If you want to do reverse lookup for names resolved by a DNS-to-WINSlookup, check Use WINS Reverse Lookup on the WINS Reverse Lookup tab underProperties for your reverse domain. When you check this option, DNS uses aNetBIOS adapter status to resolve names because WINS does not support reverselookups.

Macintosh and NT

Q:I use my new NT 4.0 server as a file server for my Macintosh and PCclients, and now my Macintosh clients have trouble opening their files.Macintosh users claim to see the files as a generic PC icon. When I checked thefiles with the Macintosh ResEdit utility, I found that the file Type is TEXT andCreator is LMAN. What can I do to solve this problem?

Microsoft's Knowledge Base article, Q159205, SFM file Type and CreatorProperties Invalid, tackles this problem. When the PC client opens and savesthe file, the resource fork is lost. Microsoft has updated the sfmsvc.sys andsfmsrv.sys in NT 4.0 SP2 to keep the resource fork.

Corrections to this Article:

  • "Troubleshooting with Microsoft: included an incorrect Web address in the section on DNS and DHCP. The correct URL is

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