The Compaq Proliant Server 4500

The Proliant Server 4500 is Compaq's top-end platform for server applications.

Joel Sloss

October 31, 1995

3 Min Read
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This thing is fast! And the greatest feature of a really fast machine is that when something isn't working, you know it instantly! But before I get into the few problems this machine has, let's look at its features and capabilities.

The Proliant Server 4500 is Compaq's top-end platform for server applications. The test unit came equipped with enough goodies to satiate even the greediest systemadministrator: two 100-MHz Pentium chips, 160MB of RAM, 10GB of disk--RAID 5(with parity) so there's only 8GB of effective storage space--a quad-speedCD-ROM drive, and dual SCSI-2 controllers--one 32-bit fast and wide SCSIcontroller and one SMART SCSI Array Controller. These are the upgrades that makethis system so fast. A dual-processor architecture is great, but without thememory (and the disk) to back it up, system overhead eats up any computing-speedadvantages you would otherwise see. Having two controllers allows you to breaksystem operations away from software and data operations, so that the same driveisn't servicing the operating system--for virtual memory, swapping space,etc.--while it's trying to run applications.

Out of the box, the Proliant Server 4500 is impressive: Its full-towerchassis can house up to four hot-pluggable full-height hard drives and has eightEISA slots, two of which are already taken by the SCSI controllers. The 4500 hasa standard HD floppy and a CD-ROM drive (plus one unused 51/4" drive bay),as well as the usual array of expansion connectors (SCSI, serial, parallel, SVGAgraphics, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, and 10BaseT connection). Where the 4500really shines, however, is in upgradability: four processor slots and up to 1GBof Error-Correcting Circuitry (ECC) RAM. It will take most users quite a whileto outgrow this machine.

I also had the SMART SCSI Array Controller and the auxiliary storageexpansion unit jammed with five 2.1GB drives. This setup is most impressive; ittook perhaps 15 seconds to format an 8GB NT File System (NTFS) partitionspanning all drives.

The few problems I had with this system can be summarized in one statement:Whatever you do, don't try to manually configure this beast on your own! If youdo, you're in for a long trip through computer never-never-land. Compaq suppliesa SmartStart kit with these systems, from which--with the appropriate codekeys--you can install any of a variety of operating systems (among them, SCOUNIX, DOS, and Windows NT), databases (SQL Server 4.21, Oracle7, etc.), andother server-management packages (Cheyenne's ARCServe, Compaq's proprietaryadministration software, etc.). However, I didn't have the SmartStart kit tobegin with, so I tried to do a standard install of Windows NT Server 3.51. Thisprocess introduced me to the intricacies of Compaq's proprietary HardwareAbstraction Layer (HAL), as in, "There is one." Thus, you mustrun Compaq's own flavor of Windows NT to make it work. Heaven help you ifyou lose your source disk!

Once I discovered this fact and received the appropriate package fromCompaq, SmartStart automated the entire installation and configuration process.That's both good and bad. It's good because it steps you through everything youneed to do; and it's bad because it steps you through everything you need to do.If you are missing one piece of information, such as a network address,you must abort the configuration and start again when you have all thepieces. (And be sure that you have the activation keys ready for any softwareyou want to install, especially the operating system). This process is quitecumbersome: You must enter everything in its entirety before you can continue,rather than being able to skip parts and fill them in later. To its credit,however, Compaq reports that it is improving the SmartStart kit to make it eveneasier to use--improvements that will address some of these problems.

When all is said and done, once the Compaq Proliant Server 4500 was up andrunning, it proved to be one incredible piece of hardware. It's fast, stable,and doesn't appear to suffer from any major compatibility problems. In fact,this is one machine that Windows NT Magazine Lab would love tokeep around as a test platform.

Proliant Server 4500

Contact: Compaq 800-386-2172

Price: $31,934 (as configured)

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