SMS 2.0 Service Pack 1 Released

Microsoft has just released Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0.

C. Thi Nguyen

August 3, 1999

8 Min Read
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Microsoft has just released Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0. SMS 2.0 SP1 contains no new features.Commenting on the new service pack, Mark Hassall, a group product manager for Windows NT/Windows 2000 Server at Microsoft, said, “In the last 6 months (since SMS 2.0 shipped), we have been collecting customer feedback and creating fixes to address specific customer suggestions. Also, with the broad availability of Windows 2000 Beta 3 via the channel partner program, we wanted to provide an updated version of SMS to ensure compatibility.”You can find information about this release on the Microsoft Web site at See the readme.htm file in SMS 2.0 SP1 for information about specific changes.To obtain SP1, you can download it from downloads/sms20sp1.asp, order it online from regwiz/ wiz154.asp?sku=27100701&sc=web030&cancelURL=/ smallbusinessserver/ &vsku=50PNU, or order it by phone by calling (800) 370-8758. Allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive the CD-ROM by mail.The following table identifies the Knowledge Base articles that address the known issues in SMS 2.0 SP1:

Known Issues in SMS 2.0 SP1

Knowledge Base Article



Edit.ini File May Produce Unexpected Results


Access Violation Opening Script from Newer Version


Cannot Remove More Than Two Sections in .ini File


Create Shortcut Command Truncates Source Path Directory Name to 8 Characters

Q214979 SMS

Service Manager Does Not Connect to Secondary Site Servers

Q215018 SMS

Cannot Add Local Groups in Manage User Wizard

Q215059 SMS

Error "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint" When Status Manager Writes To Database

Q215123 SMS

SMS_LOGON_SERVER_MANAGER Fails to Enumerate Shares

Q216744 SMS

APM Detects Non-Zero Exit Code as a Failed Advertisement

Q216855 SMS

Password Uniqueness Disables SMS 2.0 Server Client Install

Q218474 SMS

UNC Package Source Cannot Contain Space Characters

Q219931 SMS

CCIM Fails to Make a Connection to APM

Q221218 SMS

Restrictive WinNT Account Policies Prevent DC Installation

Q221481 SMS

WMI Fails to Install on Windows NT 4.0 SP 5

Q221947 DOC

Forcing Software Inventory Incorrectly Documented in Administrator's Guide

Q221951 SMS

RAS Sender Over SNA Link Error 53 During WNetAddConnection2()

Q223044 SMS

Remote Control Agent Not Found

Q223138 SMS

Client Service Error 1314 Fails to Start SMSAPM32

Q223755 SMS

SMS Executive Crashes When Enumerating Non-Microsoft Server

Q224574 SMS

Remote Control Installation Fails to Recognize LANDesk 6.x

Q225507 SMS

Windows Management Service Keeps High Processor Utilization

Q225514 SMS

WinNT Logon Server Manager Replicates Files When It Should Not

Q225530 SMS

Resource Explorer Returns "File Not Found" Error

Q226114 SMS

Advertisement Fails When Sent to Win95 & Win98 Users in More Than 10 Groups

Q226115 SMS

Preferred Distribution Point Selection Requires Full Path to Package

Q226368 SMS

NAL May Search Mapped Drives for Network DLLs

Q226504 SMS

APM Does Not Execute the Correct Number of Advertisements

Q226877 SMS

2.0 CD Key Format Differs From SQL 6.5 CD Key Format

Q226888 SMS

Component Status Times Are Listed Ahead Of Local Time in GMT Locale

Q226908 SMS

Distribute Software Wizard May GPF if Collection Table Has Invalid Name for Custom Collection

Q227010 SMS

Site Component Manager Fails to Install/Uninstall Component: SrvBoot.Exe

Q227021 SMS

Scheduler Creates Zero Byte Instruction Files for PSUEDO MiniJobs

Q227028 SMS

Logon Server Manager Fails to Update the PDC in a Large Domain with Multiple Sites

Q228276 SMS

Software Inventory Processing Degrades Foreground Performance on Win95 & Win98 Clients

Q228324 SMS

Delete File(s) "Remove Dir Containing Files" Option Fails

Q228532 SMS

French Conv20.exe Fails to Convert SMS 1.2 Database When SQL 6.5 Is Set to Character Set 850

Q229018 SMS

APM Re-executes Some Advertisements

Q229113 SMS

APM32 Doesn't Display the Reboot Countdown Dialog Box

Q229950 SMS

Provider Deletes Collection When Computer Name Starts With Number

Q230128 SMS

SQL Monitor Reports "Cannot Connect to Site Server Registry"

Q230640 SMS

Setup Sets 'Restrict filegrowth' on SQL Server 7.0 Databases

Q231209 SMS

'Update distribution points on a schedule' Option Cannot Be Cleared

Q231250 SMS

Trying to Delete Collection May Fail and Cause Collection Status to Remain Busy

Q231399 SMS

SMSCliToknAcct& and or SMSCliSvcAcct Accounts Locked Out on Site Systems or Domain

Q232240 SMS

Specifying Long File Name for Status MIF Causes Error


Dialog Boxes Are Incorrectly Drawn and Colored When Compiled in 32-Bit Mode

Q233292 SMS

Remote Control Applet Does Not Repair Component After LanDesk Tool is Removed

Q233395 SMS

SNMP Access Violation After Installing Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4

Q234257 SMS

Secondary Site Server Processor Utilization Always High

Q234850 SMS

Packages Are Advertised to the Wrong Collections

Q234912 SMS

Y2K Queries Use Large Amounts of Tempdb & Fail to Complete

Q234916 SMS

Internal Error in Admin Console When Refreshing Pkg Status

Q235139 SMS

Y2K Software Compliance Query May Display Incorrect File Names

Q235169 SMS

How To Reduce SMS Accounts Required for Installation on Large NT Domains

Q235184 SMS

Registry Change Turns Off Package Target Deletion During Distribution Point Update

Q235190 SMS

Advertisements Created By the Distribute Software Wizard Are Immediately Locked and Cannot Be Modified


Working With Complex Expressions and Operators


Sleep Functionality Now Built Into SMS Installer

Q235726 SMS

How To Specify Senior Site for WinNT Logon Point Management in a Single Domain with Multiple Sites


Repackage Does Not Detect Deleted Registry Keys and Values

Q235728 SMS

Edit.ini File Fails If Compiled On Win95 With 'True 32 Compile Selected

Q235729 SMS

Silent Unattended Setup for SMS 2.0 Service Packs

Q235730 SMS

Remote Control Fails on Win95 Client with Nitro 3D STB Vision Video Card

Q235731 SMS

Remote Control Cannot Connect to Child Site Client Via RAS

Q235733 SMS

Cannot Retrieve IP Address of DOS or Win31 + MS Network Client 3.0 Client

Q235734 SMS

URL in Y2kprod.txt Is Incorrect

Q235735 SMS

Site Backup Only Occurs Once a Week and Does Not Adhere to Schedule

Q235737 SMS

Group/User Data From Trusted Domain Not Available in SMS Manage Users Security Wizard

Q235738 SMS

Restart Option Fails When Logged On User Doesn't Have Shutdown Privilege

Q235739 SMS

Intel P3 CPU Name Incorrectly Reported

Q235740 SMS

ODP Incorrectly Identifies User Name for Advertisements Targeted to Users


Installer Script Calls CTL3DV2.DLL on NTW When 'Silent Install' and 'Use 3D' Are Unchecked

Q235742 SMS

Hardware Inventory Agent Raises Exception When Processing Class: Win32_DisplayControllerConfiguration

Q235743 SMS

Predefined Queries for Product Compliance Return Incorrect Results

Q235745 SMS

Setup Does Not Create "SMS Admins" Group When Installing SMS on a Backup Domain Controller

Q235746 SMS

URLs Listed in Product Compliance Database Are Incorrect

Q235747 DOC

Software Metering Troubleshooting Tips in Resource Guide Reference Nonexistent Check Boxes


Remove Directory Containing Files Option in "Delete Files" Script Item Not Functioning Properly

Q235751 SMS

Distribute Software Wizard May Generate Internal Error if Site Has Large Number of Packages

Q235752 SMS

Prompted Queries May Return Bad Data and Hang MMC

Q235753 SMS

Specifying \servername in Sender Address May Cause Sender Connection Failure

Q235754 SMS

MMC Exception Error May Refer To Build 1239 Beta

Q235755 SMS

SNMP Agent May Leak Memory When Queried

Q235760 SMS

Queries Fail to Execute when Alias is Specified and Collection Limiting is Used

Q235761 SMS

SMS 2.0 Parent Site Foreign Package Information Not Available to SMS 1.2 Primary Child Site

Q235762 SMS

NT_Logon_Server_Manager Enumerates All Shares on Domain Controllers During Maintenance Cycle

Q235765 SMS

Local Groups Cannot Write Queries Even With Full Rights

Q235766 SMS

Admin Console Installation From smsbini386 Subdirectory Causes Dr Watson

Q235767 SMS

Programs Can't Be Run From a Package Subdirectory with Spaces in the Name

Q235768 SMS

Using /Upgrade Switch with Command Line Setup Causes Error "Setup cannot upgrade the SMS database" and Disables SMS 1.2 Site

Q235769 DOC

SMS Admin Guide Talks About Inboxes on WinNT Logon Points

Q235770 SMS

Win95 Client Software Causes Unexpected Login Failure Status 8890

Q235771 SMS

Rchelp.Sys Can Cause CHKDSK to Run Continuously

Q235772 SMS

If DHCP Server Has "Unlimited" Leases NetDisc Fails to Retrieve Client Information Within That Scope

Q235774 SMS

Hierarchy is Unsynchronized After Package Deletion

Q235775 SMS

Network Discovery Using SNMP May Fail to Discover Device

Q235777 SMS

SMSAPM32 Performs Slow Link Detection on All Mandatory Assignments

Q235778 SMS

CCM Fails to Install SMS Client on WinNT Version 3.51

Q235779 SMS

SMSMAN Does Not Automatically Detect Server if Logon Discovery Is Disabled


REG_MULTI_SZ Entries Repackaged by Installer Are Not Recreated with Terminating Double Nulls

Q235786 SMS

Failed Connection To Software Metering Server Does Not Differentiate Between Online and Offline Clients

Q235788 SMS

Distribution Manager Fails to Process PKG File and Update Distribution Point


Long File Name File Installed With Version Checking Gets Truncated at Destination

Q235801 SMS

ODPSYS Refreshes Every 60 Minutes Regardless of Specified Interval

Q235805 SMS

Package Job Status Not Reported From SMS 1.2 Child Site to SMS 2.0 Parent Site

Q235811 SMS

Selecting Windows NT Client Software Installation Account Does Not Provide Local Administrative Rights

Q235812 SMS

DDM Fails to Process DDR with Assigned Sites Property Set to

Q235818 SMS

Network Discovery May Time Out on Slow Network

Q235834 SMS

Read Instance on a Collection Fails to Produce Collection List

Q235835 SMS

Users With Restricted Collection Viewing Rights May See All Resources

Q235873 SMS

Specifying Preferred Servers in SMS 2.0


SMS Installer Cannot Directly Call Windows APIs

Q236036 SMS

NetDisc Fails to Discover Static IP Addresses Reserved and Assigned by DHCP

Q236061 SMS

Zero Byte DDR May Cause High CPU Utilization by Discovery Data Manager

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