JSI Tip 8407. How does the EditFlags Value Name control a users ability to modify a files association?
August 24, 2004
In tip 6546 How do I disable a users ability to use the Tools / Folder Options / File Types dialog to change file associations that you specify, we used the EditFlags Value Name to Exclude a file type from the Windows Explorer's Tools / Folder Options / File Types dialog box.
The EditFlags Value Name can be a REG_DWORD or REG_BINARY data type.
The following table defines EditFlags data values when using the REG_DWORD data type.
Value Name | Data Value | D e s c r i p t i o n |
FTA_Exclude | 0x00000001 | Exclude the file class. |
FTA_Show | 0x00000002 | Show file classes, such as folders, that aren't associated with a file name extension. |
FTA_HasExtension | 0x00000004 | The file class has a file name extension. |
FTA_NoEdit | 0x00000008 | The registry entries associated with this file class cannot be edited. New entries cannot be added and existing entries cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoRemove | 0x00000010 | The registry entries associated with this file class cannot be deleted. |
FTA_NoNewVerb | 0x00000020 | No new verbs can be added to the file class. |
FTA_NoEditVerb | 0x00000040 | Canonical verbs such as open and print cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoRemoveVerb | 0x00000080 | Canonical verbs such as open and print cannot be deleted. |
FTA_NoEditDesc | 0x00000100 | The description of the file class cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoEditIcon | 0x00000200 | The icon assigned to the file class cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoEditDflt | 0x00000400 | The default verb cannot be modified. |
FTA_NoEditVerbCmd | 0x00000800 | The commands associated with verbs cannot be modified. |
FTA_NoEditVerbExe | 0x00001000 | Verbs cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoDDE | 0x00002000 | The Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)-related entries cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_NoEditMIME | 0x00008000 | The content-type and default-extension entries cannot be modified or deleted. |
FTA_OpenIsSafe | 0x00010000 | The file class's open verb can be safely invoked for downloaded files. |
FTA_AlwaysUnsafe | 0x00020000 | Do not allow the Never ask me check box to be enabled. The user can override this attribute through the File Type dialog box. |
FTA_AlwaysShowExt | 0x00040000 | Always show the file class's file name extension, even if the user has selected the Hide Extensions option. |
FTA_NoRecentDocs | 0x00100000 | Don't add members of this file class to the Recent Documents folder. |
To set the FTA_NoRemove and FTA_NoNewVerb bits, use 0x00000030.
To convert EditFlags from REG_BINARY to REG_DWORD:
REG_BINARY ab cd ef ghREG_DWORD gh ef cd ab
To convert all REG_BINARY EditFlags data types to Reg_DWORD, run EditFlags2DWORD.bat.
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