JSI Tip 8187. How can I retrieve the current time in a 2 digit hour, minute, second, and hundredth of a second?

Jerold Schulman

June 23, 2004

1 Min Read
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Using a technique similar to the Universal Date Parser, I have scripted WhatTime.bat to retrieve the current time.

The syntax for using WhatTime.bat is:

call WhatTime Hour Minute Second Hsec


Hour   is a call directed environment variable that will contain the 2 digit hour, 00-23.Minute is a call directed environment variable that will contain the 2 digit minute, 00-59.Second is a call directed environment variable that will contain the 2 digit second, 00-59.Hsec   is a call directed environment variable that will contain the 2 digit hundredth of a seconds, 00-99.

NOTE: See How can I retrieve the current time in numeric environment variables?

WhatTime.bat contains:

@echo offif {%4}=={} @echo Syntax WhatTime Hour Minute Second Hsec&goto :EOFfor /f "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%h in ('@echo.^|time') do ( set /a %1=100%%h%%100 + 100 set %2=%%i set %3=%%j set %4=%%k)call set %1=%%%1:~1^,2%%

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