JSI Tip 8169. How can I flash the Start button N times to attract attention?
June 17, 2004
If you have a long running script that prompts for input, you might want to attract attention by flashing the Start button.
I have scripted FlashStartButton.bat and FlashStartButtonStart.bat to flash the Start button.
The syntax for using FlashStartButton.bat is:
call FlashStartButton Times, where Times is the number of times you want to flash the Start button.
NOTE: FlashStartButton.bat uses the START command to begin the FlashStartButtonStart.bat process, so it must be in a folder that is in your PATH.
NOTE FlashStartButtonStart.bat uses Startbt.exe, which must be in a folder that is in your PATH.
NOTE: You may also want to bring your script window to the foreground, as in the following scriptlet:
@echo offTITLE This is a test........:loopif "%EOL%" EQU "Y" goto prompt......goto loop:promptcall FlashStartButton 10activate /t:"This is test":askset /p answer=Are there any errors?if /i "%answer%" EQU "Y" goto Errorsif /i "%answer%" EQU "N" goto Finishgoto ask......
FlashStartButton.bat contains:
@echo offif {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: call StartFlashButton Times&goto :EOFstart /min flashstartbuttonstart.bat %1
FlashStartButtonStart.bat contains:
@echo offfor /l %%a in (1,1,%1) do ( call :loop)exit:loopstartbt /hide@ping -n 2>nulstartbt /show@ping -n 2>nul
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