JSI Tip 7981. You receive 'Error 0x80072EE2' or 'Initialization Error 0x80072F76' when you attempt to use the Windows Update site?
April 27, 2004
You will experience the subject behavior is any of the following are true:
- A firewall is interfering with your connection to the Windows Update site.
- The %SystemRoot%System32driversetcHOSTS file maps the Windows Update site to an IP address.
- Proxy server settings are interfering with your connection to the Windows Update site.
To resolve these issues:
1. Reconfigure or update your firewall.
2. Remove any mappings for Windows Update from the HOSTS file.
3. Open a CMD.EXE window and type IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS. Press Enter.
4. You may need to add Windows Update to the Internet Explorer / Tools / Internet Options / Security tab /Trusted Sites list. Make sure you clear the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone box. Add the following addresses:
NOTE: The v5 entries are included to handle any possible next release.
5. If you use a proxy server, add the following addresses to the Exceptions at Internet Explorer / Tools / Internet Options / Connections tab / LAN Settings / Advanced:
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