Inside Windows NT Disk Defragmenting

Disk defragmentation products are hot sellers. Find about about NT's disk defragmentation support and how defragmentation tools work.

Mark Russinovich

April 30, 1997

9 Min Read
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How defragmentation tools work with NT 4.0

Welcome to the first installment of my regular column that explores the "guts" of Windows NT. Iplan to cover topics ranging from high-level issues such as the architecture of NT to low-level issues such as detailsof algorithms NT employs. If you have a particular NT internals topic you'd like to see this column demystify, pleasedrop me an email.

This month's topic is NT's disk defragmentation support. Disk defragmentation products are hot sellers, and manypeople want to know how these products work. After defining disk defragmentation, I'll provide a synopsis of the historyof NT defragmentation products, and describe the support Microsoft added to NT 4.0's file systems specifically for useby defragmentation tools.

Disk Defragmentation
NT's file systems allocate the disk sectors of logical drives (e.g., C, D) in units known as clusters. Whenyou create a file on a drive, the file system assigns clusters of storage for the file's data. As time passes and youexpand and shrink the file and create and delete other files, both the free clusters on the drive and the clustersassigned to the files become fragmented (i.e., non-contiguous).

For example, suppose you create a Word document and the file system assigns six clusters to hold the document'scontents. Later, you add a few pages to the document, and the file grows by six more clusters. If another file ordirectory uses the clusters that immediately follow the document's original clusters, the file system assigns thedocument's new file clusters from somewhere else on the drive--your file now consists of at least two fragments. Figure 1A, shows a simplified diagram of a fragmented file; Figure 1B depicts a defragmented file.

Fragmentation can negatively affect performance. When the disk head reads contiguous data, the level of throughputis high. When the system reads a fragmented disk file, the disk head must move from fragment to fragment. On a disk withmany fragmented files, moving the disk head across fragments can consume significant time.

Disk defragmenters are products that aim to optimize system performance by reorganizing a drive's clustersto make file clusters contiguous, and in some cases, to make the free clusters contiguous. Defragmenters use heuristicalgorithms that implement a fragment-shifting strategy to defragment the drive's files as quickly as possible.

The History of Disk Defragmenting on NT
In April 1995, Executive Software released the first defragmenter for NT: Diskeeper for NT 3.5 with Service Pack 1(SP1) or Service Pack 2 (SP2). The company announced an update for NT 3.51 in July of the same year.

Because Microsoft did not design NT 3.5x's native file systems, FAT and NTFS, with disk defragmenting in mind, FATand NTFS have no support for moving clusters around a disk. Executive Software purchased an NT source license fromMicrosoft to modify NT and the FAT and NTFS drivers to support disk defragmenting. As a result, Executive Softwareshipped its custom version of NT with Diskeeper for NT 3.51.

But as Diskeeper users upgraded NT 3.51 with SPs, they experienced problems. Installing an SP overwrote some ofDiskeeper's files and left others alone, causing incompatibility problems for upgraded systems--and technical supportproblems for Microsoft and Executive Software.

As development of NT 4.0 began in 1995, Microsoft invited a Diskeeper developer to Redmond, Washington, toparticipate in the design and implementation of NT 4.0's defragmentation support. Basing Diskeeper on NT's built-insupport let Executive Software avoid shipping custom versions of NT and meant Microsoft's technical support didn't haveto troubleshoot non-standard versions of NT. One month before NT 4.0's public release, Executive Software offered atrial version of Diskeeper 2.0--the version for NT 4.0--on its Web site. (For Jonathan J. Chau's review of Diskeeper2.0, see Lab Reports, "Diskeeper 2.0," April 1997.) Symantec has since entered the NT disk defragmentingmarket with its Norton Utilities Speed Disk, which also uses the NT 4.0 defragmentation support.

NT 4.0 Support for Disk Defragmenting
The defragmentation support introduced in NT 4.0's file systems consists of five commands: GetVolumeBitmap,GetRetrievalPointers, and MoveFile (common to both FAT and NTFS), and GetVolumeData and ReadMFTRecord (specific to onlyNTFS). Microsoft doesn't document these commands or officially acknowledge that they exist.

TABLE 1: Example File Mapping Array Returnedby GetRetrievalPointers

File Cluster





TABLE 2: Example Compressed File Mapping ArrayReturned by GetRetrievalPointers

File Cluster




GetVolumeBitmap. The GetVolumeBitmap command obtains a map of the free and allocated clusters of alogical drive. NT file systems maintain an array of bits that track the drive's clusters. An "on" bit signalsan allocated cluster; an "off" bit signals a free cluster.

GetRetrievalPointers. The GetRetrievalPointers command returns an array of mapping informationabout the clusters allocated to a file. Each fragment of the file corresponds to an array entry that consists of alogical cluster number within the file and a drive cluster number. A final array entry contains the file cluster numberof the end of the file. For example, consider a file with three fragments: The first fragment starts at drive cluster1200 and continues for 4 clusters, the second fragment starts at drive cluster 1000 and continues for 3 clusters, andthe third fragment starts at drive cluster 1300 and continues for 5 clusters. Table 1 shows the mapping array thatGetRetrievalPointers returns for the file.

Sometimes GetRetrievalPointers returns a mapping array that contains a drive cluster entry of -1, as shown in Table2. This entry signals a compressed file. In Table 2's example, the compressed data starts at drive cluster 1200 andcontinues for 4 clusters. The final file cluster entry of 16 means that the uncompressed file will require 12 moreclusters.

MoveFile. The MoveFile command is the heart of NT's defragmentation support. MoveFile requires ahandle to both the file that contains segments to be moved and the file's drive. Additional parameters track thestarting cluster (relative to the start of the file) of the segment to be moved, the target drive cluster number, andthe length of the segment. If the target clusters are free, MoveFile relocates the original clusters in a way thatprevents data loss in case the system crashes during the move.

GetVolumeData. NT includes the two NTFS-specific defragmenting commands because the NTFS driveruses clusters differently from the FAT driver. The GetVolumeData command obtains detailed information about an NTFSdrive, including its cluster size (in bytes), the size of the drive (in clusters), and the amount of free space on thedrive (in clusters).

Defragmenters use GetVolumeData to identify a reserved portion of the disk (known as the MFT-Zone) that NTFS usesfor expanding the Master File Table (MFT). The MFT is NTFS's index to all the files and directories on a drive.

To optimize file lookups, NTFS tries to keep the MFT defragmented by not allocating clusters around the MFT toother files. GetVolumeBitmap reports free clusters in the MFT-Zone, but MoveFile will not relocate clusters to thisarea; defragmenters need to know the MFT-Zone's location to avoid it.

ReadMFTRecord. The other NTFS-specific command, ReadMFTRecord, obtains a record of information fromthe MFT that you can use to create a cluster map for a file. Alternatively, you can enumerate the files on the drive anduse GetRetrievalPointers to obtain mapping information for each file. However, sequentially reading MFT records andinterpreting the raw NTFS on-disk data structures can enhance performance.

How NT 4.0 Defragmenters Work

Disk defragmenters aim to optimize system performance byreorganizing non-contiguous file clusters.

At press time, only Executive Software and Symantec offer defragmenters for NT 4.0. Both vendors providedownloadable versions of their products. The products perform the same basic operations, but they employ differentdefragmentation algorithms. Let's look at how the products work.

First, each product creates a map of the drive, which shows the file fragmentation to the user. Mapping a drivetakes three steps: Get the map of free clusters on the drive with GetVolumeBitmap, enumerate all the files on the driveand obtain file cluster maps with GetRetrievalPointers or ReadMFTRecord, display the file mappings.

Some clusters in the bitmap appear to be in use but not allocated to a file. These clusters belong to systemmetadata files (i.e., files that store file system-related information), directories, or files accessed exclusively by aprocess other than the defragmenter. Both products designate these clusters as immovable in their GUIs. The productsalso identify the MFT-Zone if the drive is an NTFS volume.

Next, the products enter a defragmenting phase. Because the drive mapping information constantly changes asprograms create, delete, grow, and shrink files, the products do not rely on the information displayed to the user.Instead, they again enumerate all the files on the drive, and perform the following steps for each file: Get the map offree clusters on the drive with GetVolumeBitmap; obtain a cluster map for the file in question usingGetRetrievalPointers or ReadMFTRecord; move segments of the file with MoveFile in an attempt to defragment the file.

The logic behind the third step is different for each product, depending on whether the defragmenter tries to movefiles to defragment the drive's free space or make room for files in specific places. Defragmentation is an iterativeprocess that can even be undone as other processes perform file operations, so the defragmenters often repeat the thirdstep many times.

Because MoveFile requires a handle to the file to be moved, the defragmenters must open a file before moving it.Opening a file that another process has already opened for exclusive access is not possible. Neither product can movefiles such as the MFT, Registry files, and Paging files because the system opens these files for exclusive access.

NTFS Caveats
Some restrictions apply to the NTFS implementation of MoveFile because its cluster movement engine uses NTFS filecompression code. NTFS file compression adds a twist to the way NTFS allocates clusters for files.

NTFS performs compression on 16-cluster segments of a file. If a 16-cluster segment of data compresses down to 5clusters, for instance, NTFS stores the 5 clusters on disk and notes the remaining 11 clusters as virtual clusters.To read the compressed file, the system reads the 5-cluster compressed portion from the disk, allocates memory for the11 virtual clusters, and fills those memory locations with 0s. The system passes this 16-cluster chunk to thedecompression algorithm, which re-creates the original data.

On FAT volumes, MoveFile can move clusters individually. The NTFS MoveFile routine moves clusters in only16-cluster blocks because NTFS file compression works with 16-cluster segments.

Furthermore, the NTFS MoveFile function does not work with clusters larger than 4KB (NTFS file compression buffersare 64KB in size: 64KB ÷ 16 = 4KB). On drives larger than 4GB, the FORMAT utility initializes NTFS partitions withcluster sizes greater than 4KB; consequently, large drives with FORMAT's default cluster sizes do not supportdefragmentation.

Finally, NTFS prevents deallocated clusters from being used again until NTFS checkpoints the drive's state.Once every few seconds, NTFS ensures that all its crash recovery data is safely on disk; only then can deallocatedclusters be reused. This characteristic challenges defragmenters because they can't determine when they can reallocatefree clusters without repeated calls to GetVolumeBitmap.

Diskeeper 2.0

Executive Software * 800-829-6468 or818-547-2050 Web:

Norton Utilities Speed Disk

Symantec * 408-253-9600Web:

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