How can I start and stop the FTP service from the command line?How can I start and stop the FTP service from the command line?
April 16, 2003
A. As with all services, you can use the Net Start and Net Stop commands to start and stop the service. To specifically start and stop the FTP service, you must specify the short name for FTP, which is msftpsvc. Therefore, the command to start the FTP service is
net start msftpsvc
The command will display the following information:
The FTP Publishing service is starting.The FTP Publishing service was started successfully.
The command to stop the FTP service is
net stop msftpsvc
The command will display the following information:
The FTP Publishing service is stopping.The FTP Publishing service was stopped successfully.
These commands are useful when you're dealing with systems that don't have FTP services running (e.g., for security reasons). In such situations, you can quickly transfer a file by enabling the service on your machine, logging on to the target system, then use the target system's client FTP program to connect to your workstation's FTP service, where you can send or receive files.
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