
Arisoft's ConfigSafe logs changes users make to system files, crucial directories, and the Registry. You can use the logged information to instruct ConfigSafe to restore your system to a previous configuration.

Carlos Bernal

September 30, 1997

6 Min Read
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ConfigSafe provides a safety net for makingNT configuration changes

I'm sure you have a horror story about loading some software and finding out it doesn't work properly. Then after uninstalling the software, you find applications that worked fine before you installed that horror software are now filled with bugs or crash your system. Worse, you have no way to return your system to its previous functional state (unless, of course, you backed up the system along the way). I've had this kind of experience, which is why I was pleased to come across ConfigSafe, a small software package by Artisoft. Once installed, ConfigSafe logs changes users make to system files, crucial directories, and the Registry. You can then use the logged information to instruct ConfigSafe to restore your system to a previous configuration.

Cracking ConfigSafe
ConfigSafe for Windows NT comes on one 3.5" floppy­the packageincludes floppies for Windows 3.1x and Windows 95. The user manual is simple touse and surprisingly thin, but has no lack of information. The well-writtenmanual explains the user interface, controls, and options. A supplement documentincludes a few extra screen shots and feature explanations.

To install and run ConfigSafe, the logged-on user must have the followingprivileges: Backup files and directories, Managing and auditing security log,and Restoring files and directories. Typically, members of theAdministrators group will have the rights necessary to perform all theConfigSafe functions. Users who will be taking system snapshots need only Backupfiles and directories privileges.

My test computer was a Compaq Deskpro 5100, armed with a 100MHz Pentium,32MB of RAM, and a 693MB hard disk. Installation was flawless; all I had to dowas run INSTALL.EXE and follow the onscreen instructions. After youcomplete the installation, ConfigSafe takes an initial system snapshot,capturing the current system configuration. From this point, ConfigSafe monitorsthe system configuration for changes.

ConfigSafe tracks five basic areas: File changes, system changes, drivechanges, directory changes, and Registry changes. The five uppermost icons shownin Screen 1 represent the five monitored areas.

The most recent system snapshot date, time, and name appear in the ChangesStarting text box. After installation, the initial snapshot date and time appearhere. By selecting the Snapshot command button, you can take snapshots atany time. You can name each snapshot and select specific files to include. Thiscapability can be helpful in managing the snapshots. For example, I took asnapshot before configuring system hardware, and instead of accepting thedefault System Snapshot, I named the snapshot Before hardware config.The snapshot taken before installing Microsoft Office 95 was called BeforeOffice 95, and the snapshot before installing a large DOS game was namedBefore game demo.

The ConfigSafe window displays changes that have occurred from the lastsnapshot to the present condition of the system. The Changes Ending text box hasthe default Now. You can also have ConfigSafe show changes made at other times.For example, if you record five different snapshots, you can view changes thathave occurred from any snapshot to the present or changes made between any twosnapshots.

The scroll list below the snapshot area details each monitored area; bydefault, ConfigSafe opens to the File changes area. You can use the plus orminus button to add or remove items in the scroll list. Through this interface,you can configure the files, directories, and Registry areas that ConfigSafelogs. You cannot change the drives or system areas because they track theaddition or removal of hardware components.

In the main text box, ConfigSafe shows the changes that have occurred sincethe last snapshot. Screen 2, displays Registry changes made during asnapshot named Second Stage, in which four additional computer user accountswere created. A red font signifies that a line was deleted, and a minus signprecedes deleted lines. A blue font signifies that a line was added, and a plussign precedes a new line. A green font and arrow show that a line has changed.

I tested ConfigSafe's ability to restore the computer to previousconfigurations, including recovering my configuration after a faulty programinstallation. Before I made any changes to my test computer, I used the Reportcommand button to generate a printout. I received a one-page printout of basicinformation: start and ending time for the report; processor type; RAM; harddrive space; and files, directories, and Registry folders being monitored.

I then added four users, changed a few screen properties, and added a gameand some NT accessories from the NT 4.0 Workstation CD-ROM. Screen 2 shows a fewchanges made to the Registry during my actions. I printed out a second reportand was inundated with 180 pages of file, directory, and Registry changes. Thereport annotated each change, line by line, as a deletion, addition, or change.I had no idea that the addition of four users and a few applications wouldcreate so many system changes.

I created snapshots of before and after installing Office 95. When Irequested a report again, ConfigSafe detailed every change and produced a325-page printout.

I also installed a large DOS game that I knew to be troublesome when rununder NT. Under NT, the program gets half way through installation, and then NTstops it for performing an illegal operation. As side effects, the installationprocess creates large files in the Temp directory and causes other applicationsto lock up. The system will crash if you start Microsoft Photo Editor or Paint.I thought this demonstration would be a good test for ConfigSafe's restorefeature.

When you select the Restore button, you see the Restore Configurationwindow shown in Screen 3. By selecting the drop-down arrow under Snapshots, youcan select any of the configuration Snapshots stored in memory. I simply startedbackward and selected the snapshot I took before I installed the DOS game. InConfigSafe, you must reboot your system after performing a Restore. After thereboot, the large temp files were gone, no traces of the DOS game were left, andall other applications worked fine.

Next, I selected the snapshot taken before the installation of Office 95and selected the Restore button. I was very impressed with the results. Theshortcuts on the Programs menu were deleted, and so were the folders and DLLsassociated with Office 95. I proceeded to the initial snapshot configurationtaken immediately after ConfigSafe was installed, and did another Restore. Sureenough, the screen settings had been changed to the original configurations, andmy four new users no longer had accounts on the system.

Features Galore
ConfigSafe includes other features that complement its core log/restorefunctions. One such feature is the Undo function, which you can use if youselect the wrong Restore snapshot. For example, suppose I want to restore theconfiguration to the status of the snapshot taken before the installation of theDOS game. If, by mistake, I select the snapshot taken before the installation ofOffice 95 and perform a Restore, the system will no longer include the DOS gamenor will it have Microsoft Office. By selecting the Undo button, I can return tothe system configuration in effect when I initiated the Restore.

Another nice feature is that ConfigSafe can automatically take snapshots atregular intervals. The best feature is that I can change the configuration toany snapshot stored in memory at any time. This feature provides tremendousflexibility­and tremendous protection­in almost any computingenvironment.

Of course, ConfigSafe has a downside, too: To access ConfigSafe and itsfeatures, you must be able to boot NT. ConfigSafe cannot help you if you can'tget past the NT startup process.

I was impressed with the software's performance and recommend it as anexcellent option for safeguarding your system's configuration. With ConfigSafe'ssimplicity of installation and ease-of-use, I find it unlikely that you'll needmuch technical support. For future releases, my only recommendation to Artisoftis to create bootable floppies of snapshot configurations to rescue the computerin case of a serious Registry or data corruption.


Contact: Artisoft * 800-846-9726 Web: Price: $39.95System Requirements: NT 3.51 or 4.0, VGA color monitor, and 5MB of disk space

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