Using Delivery Reports in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016Using Delivery Reports in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016
How to use the delivery report feature in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016.
December 4, 2017
There is a delivery report feature in Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 which you can use to track delivery information about messages sent by and received from specific user mailboxes. You can track the messages for up to a 14-day time period.
Open Exchange Admin Center (EAC), click mail flow, and then delivery reports.
You have the following options:
Mailbox to search - Click Browse and select the mailbox from address book. When you are done, click OK. It is mandatory.
Search for messages sent to - Use this option when you are required to search for messages sent to a specific user from the mailbox you chose in ‘Mailbox to search’ option. Click ‘select users...’, select the desired user(s) from an address book and then click add and then OK.
Search for messages received from - Use this option when you are required to search for messages that were sent by the specific user to the mailbox you selected in ‘Mailbox to search’. Click ‘select a user’, choose the user, and then click add, and then OK.
Search for these words in the subject line - Type the specific word you want to search against the subject line.
When you are finished with entering the information, click Search.
You will have a report when a search is finished. You will see the following fields:
Subject - shows the subject line of email message.
From - shows the alias, display name, or email address of the person who has sent the message.
To - shows the alias, display name, or email address of the person whom the email message was sent.
Sent - shows date and time the email message was sent.
Select the individual message and then click the pencil icon under search results to view detailed information about an email message.
You will have following information:
Delivery Report for - shows the email address of the selected recipient.
Submitted - shows the date and time the message was submitted for delivery.
You may see one of the following delivery statuses of an email message:
Delivered - shows an email message was delivered successfully.
Deferred - shows an email message was delayed.
Pending - shows when an email message is subject to the approval or a message meets the criteria for an organization-wide rule or policy.
Moderator - shows whether the message was approved or rejected by the moderator.
Failed - shows the date, time and reason of the failure of email message delivery.
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