With BackOffice Server 4.5, how do I use the BackOffice CALs against the SQL Server and SNA Server components?With BackOffice Server 4.5, how do I use the BackOffice CALs against the SQL Server and SNA Server components?
February 12, 2001
A. By default, BackOffice Server (BOS) 4.5 installs SQL Server and SNA Server components in per-server licensing mode. As a result, you must change the licensing mode to per-seat to use the BackOffice Client Access Licenses (CALs) against these server components. (Note that you can make this change only once. You can't revert to per-server mode after this change is committed. Contact Microsoft for questions.) You can make this change in the Licensing tool in Control Panel on the computer on which these server programs are installed, or by using the License Manager tool (under Administrative Tools) from any server on the network. This method works remotely only if the user who is currently logged on has the appropriate administrative privileges to the target server.
To change the licensing from per-server to per-seat, perform the following steps:
In Administrative Tools (Common), start the License Manager tool.
Select the Server Browser tab, and expand the server you want to change.
Double-click either Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or Microsoft SNA Server (depending on which one you need to change).
In the Licensing Mode section, change the mode from Per Server to Per Seat.
Click Yes, and then click OK.
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