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The sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes stored procedure lists the names of all the available media and their types on a SQL Server machine.
January 30, 2006
The sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes stored procedure lists the names of all the available media (i.e., drives) and their types (e.g., hard disk, tape, floppy, CD-ROM) on a SQL Server machine. As Listing 1 shows, sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes uses a relatively unknown extended procedure called xp_availableMedia. After GetAllSQLMediaTypes runs xp_availableMedia, sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes fills a temporary table with the results. It then decodes the media type values into meaningful terms based on the information under Media Type Constants (SQLDMO_MEDIA_TYPE) in SQL Server Books Online (BOL).
To use sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes, you run the code
USE master GOEXEC GetAllSQLMediaTypes
I wrote and tested sp_GetAllSQLMediaTypes on a Windows XP machine running SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Figure 1 shows the results when I ran it on my machine.
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