Primality Tests – SolutionsPrimality Tests – Solutions

Itzik discusses solutions to the primality test challenge.

Itzik Ben-Gan

November 18, 2007

8 Min Read
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On October 29 I provided a challenge to write a T-SQLfunction that
implements a primality test for an input value (of a BIGINTdatatype).
You can find the challenge here.

Thanks to all those who sent solutions. I know that many ofyou gave it
a try but didn’t send a solution since you couldn’t come up with afaster
solution than the one posted by Steve Kass. ;-)

I’ll only provide a brief overview of primality tests heresince the subject
is covered thoroughly in Wikipedia
(’ll focus on the T-SQL
solutions assuming you are familiar with the concepts.

Primality tests is a well researched subject in computerscience, but
as far as I can tell, all existing efficient algorithms are suitedfor
iterative/recursive implementations (e.g., the solution posted by Steve
Kass based on the Miller-Rabin test for strong pseudoprimality). I
haven’tfound any efficient algorithm that is suited for set-based
implementations, orat least, I couldn’t find or think of any set-based
adaptations of existingefficient algorithms. One of the reasons for
providing this T-SQL challenge wasthat in my research, I couldn’t find
any attempts (at least successful ones) toaddress the problem with
set-based logic—such that a SQL based solution wouldbe very fast.
You never know, maybe if enough attention will be given to tryingto
solve the problem with set-based logic, some brilliant mind will come
upwith a very fast solution based on a fresh set-based approach. I’m
not losinghope… I’ll leave the puzzle open, so if you’re on to
something, I’d love tohear about it.

Primality tests fall under three categories: Naïve Methods,Probabilistic
Techniques and Fast Deterministic Techniques.

Naïve Techniques

Naïve algorithms are the slowest. The slowest of the naïvemethods is:

Given an integer input n:

If n < 2, it is not a prime. If any integer m between 2and n-1 divides n,
n is a composite, otherwise n is a prime.

Of course, you can do much better with a naïve method. Thefirst
improvement can be achieved by lowering the upper boundary value of
m. Letn be a composite expressed as the product ab, either a or b
must be smallerthan or equal to the square root of n. So it’s sufficient
to set the upperboundary of m to floor(sqrt(n)).  All ofthe solutions I
got to the puzzle besides Steve’s implemented such a naïvemethod,
but all of them used iterative logic. Unlike other existing methods, naïve
methods are in fact suited for set-based implementations. Though still
slowcompared to probabilistic and fast deterministic techniques, naïve
methods canbe implemented with much faster set-based solutions
than iterative ones.

I’ll create all objects in my examples in a database calledprimesdb:

set nocount on;

use master;


if db_id('primesdb') is null create database primesdb;


use primesdb;


First, you need a fast way to produce a range of integers(BIGINT in
our case). The following code creates a function called fn_nums that
returns a set of integers in the range @min, @max:

-- function returns a nums table in the range @min - @max

if object_id('dbo.fn_nums') is not null

  drop function dbo.fn_nums;


create functiondbo.fn_nums(@minas bigint, @max as bigint) returns table





    l0 as(select 0 as c union all select 0),

    l1 as(select 0 as c from l0 as a, l0 as b),

    l2 as(select 0 as c from l1 as a, l1 as b),

    l3 as(select 0 as c from l2 as a, l2 as b),

    l4 as(select 0 as c from l3 as a, l3 as b),

    l5 as(select 0 as c from l4 as a, l4 as b),

    l6 as(select 0 as c from l5 as a, l5 as b),

    nums as(select row_number() over(order by c) as n from l6)

  select @min + n - 1 as n from nums where n <= @max - @min + 1;


You can now implement the first version of the fn_isprimefunction by
checking whether any integer up to the square root of the input @n
divides @n:

-- function fn_isprime, version 1

if object_id('dbo.fn_isprime') is not null

  drop function dbo.fn_isprime;


create functiondbo.fn_isprime(@nas bigint) returns bit

  with returns null on null input




  declare@explicitprime as bigint;

  set@explicitprime = 23;


  if @n < @explicitprime

    if @n in (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19) return 1 else return 0;


  if @n%2 = 0 or @n%3 = 0 or @n%5 = 0 or @n%7 = 0

  or @n%11 = 0 or @n%13 = 0 or @n%17 = 0 or @n%19 = 0 return 0;


  if @n < cast(square(@explicitprime) as bigint) return 1;



    @sqrt as bigint,

    @from as bigint,

    @to  as bigint;


  set @sqrt = cast(sqrt(@n) as bigint);


  set @from = @explicitprime;

  set @to   = @sqrt;



    case when exists

      (select * from dbo.fn_nums(@from, @to) where @n%n = 0)

    then 0 else 1 end





The function first checks whether the input is an obviousprime or
nonprime. You achieve this by explicitly handling primes below some
prime number you choose (call it @explicitprime) instead of using the
fn_numsfunction. For example, say you set @explicitprime to 23. If
@n < 23, thefunction checks explicitly if @n is one of the known
primes below 23 or not. If@n >= 23, the function checks explicitly if
any of the primes below 23divides @n. If the previous tests did not
detect the answer and @n < 529 (square(23)), @n is a prime. Only if
the previous tests forobvious primes or nonprimes did not detect the
answer, the function queries the fn_nums table, withthe range 23, floor
(sqrt(@n)), and checks if anyinteger in the range divides @n.

You can further optimize the solution by checking onlydivisors that
have potential to be primes. For example, the preliminary testsalready
checked whether 2 divides @n, so you can query about half the rows
fromfn_nums, and produce only odd divisors with theexpression

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