Master the DataGrid ControlMaster the DataGrid Control
Get a handle on one of the most important ASP.NET controls: theDataGrid.
October 30, 2009
Around the Web
TECHNOLOGIES: DataGrid Control
Master the DataGrid Control
By Paul Litwin
One of the most fascinating of ASP.NET server controls isthe DataGrid control. You can use itto display and edit data in a grid. Much has been written about the DataGrid. In fact, Dino Esposito andothers have written quite a bit about the DataGridcontrol in asp.netPRO. (You cansearch for asp.netPRO articles bykeyword at search of "datagrid" turned up a couple dozen hits.) In addition to thewritings in asp.netPRO, there's a loton the Web about this popular topic. Here's a sampling of what's out there: Mitchell (book author, creator of the Web site, and asp.netPRO contributing writer) wrote anine-part tutorial on the DataGridcontrol (yes, that's nine parts!) that examines much of this importantcontrol's functionality. Seven (book author, co-creator of the Web site, andcolumnist for asp.netPRO) wrote anarticle on adding an editable drop-down list control to a DataGrid control. article by Doug Seven, this time on creating a master/detail DataGrid. Jones (she likes to call herself DataGrid Girl) wrote an article on howto use a custom control to provide the ability to select a row of a grid usinga radio button or checkbox. interesting article by Julie Lerman on how to create a DataGrid that uses a scroll bar rather than pagination. The trickinvolves none other than the lowly HTML Labelcontrol. Dyer wrote a recent article on how to create a custom DataGridColumn class. last but not least, an article by asp.netPROcolumnist Dino Esposito on creating an Excel-like DataGrid.
Paul Litwin iseditor and technical director of asp.netPRO. E-mail him at [email protected].
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