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October 20, 2005
When Windows XP is activated, the %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dbl file is created. If you backup this file, you can use it if activation is triggered when you don't have a connection to the internet.
I have scripted WpaBK.bat to backup your previous product activation and WpaRS.bat to restore it from safe mode.
WpaBK.bat contains:
@echo offif exist %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidbl del /f /q %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidblcopy %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dbl %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidbl
WpaRS.bat contains:
@echo offif not exist %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidbl @echo %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidbl does NOT exist.&goto :EOFif exist %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.prevdbl del /q /f %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.prevdblif exist %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dbl copy %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dbl %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.prevdbl&&del /f /q %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dblcopy %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.jsidbl %SystemRoot%System32Wpa.dbl
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